6 Secrets To A Painless Mammogram

Mammograms can be life-saving. They can also be prohibitively painful to some women. Here are six tips to make your mammogram hurt less.

1. Have your mammogram when you don't have much breast engorgement. (For most women, this means the two weeks after menstruation has finished but the time varies with the individual. Other women might find day 18 to 22 after the first day of menstruation more appropriate)

2. Use as little salt as possible for a week before the test. Again, this will reduce the extent of breast engorgement for most women and hence the pain associated with the compression required for the test.

3.Taking 400 international units of vitamin E for 3 weeks before the test. Why this works has not been documented. However, this works frequent enough for you to try out.

4. Using simple analgesics like paracetamol, aspirin, diclofenac one hour before the test, provided you don't have an allergy to these. These have to be taken after food.

5. Drink green juice, made from green apples, capsicums, celery, bitter melons and cucumbers on alternate days for a week before the test. This is a little secret one of my patients shared with me. This green juice is also helpful for breast pain in general. Make sure you don't drink this more frequent than suggested as it may lead to hypotension or even dizziness.

6. Tell the radiographer when you feel pain during the test. The radiographer does have some lee-way to adjust the degree of compression of the breasts against the x-ray plates.

Whatever you do, don't skip the mammogram if advised by your doctor.

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Breast Cancer - The One Thing You Must Do Immediately If You Have Got Breast Cancer Again

Today Susan told me that she got breast cancer again. She has only been out of chemotherapy and radiation treatment for ten months. The tumor is back again. It breaks my heart to hear that. I know she has a five year old daughter.

Susan is a good friend of mine. I know here since high school. I also know her lovely daughter Mary. Mary is just five years old but she already understands that her mother has a serious disease. Susan had a very hard time telling her what has happened again. That the cancer has returned. That she is very sick. How can a child handle all that?

I do not even want to imagine what this means to this family again. After the first shock I told Susan what I always tell women with breast cancer. There are even stage IV breast cancer victims that still survive for many years and live a rich life. This has not be to be the end. Susan has to live.

It is important to fight and not to give up. It is important to stay enthusiastic against all odds. I am a strong believer in the healing power of our body. Today every doctor will tell you that positive and joyful thoughts improve your overall health and strengthen your immune system.

I know it is difficult. It seems almost impossible to stay happy facing a deadly disease. But exactly at this point, right now, your body needs you. Everybody can be happy if everything is ok. So, do not give up. Enjoy each day. Do not regret anything. Life live to the full.

Highly Recommended Reading:

Breast Cancer Survivor Stories

Treatment For Breast Cancer

Roselyn Capen is an expert author on breast cancer topics. Her articles about breast cancer symptoms, causes and treatments have been published on numerous web sites, forums, blogs and ezines all over the Internet.

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Bras and the Breast Cancer Cover-Up

"Whom can you trust when your culture is the biggest enemy of your health? Can you trust your culture's leading authorities? Can you trust your culture's government? Can you trust your culture's private industry?"

We asked those questions in 1995, at the end of our book, Dressed To Kill: The Link Between Breast Cancer and Bras. Before writing our book, we sent details of our research to the National Cancer Institute, American Cancer Society, President's Cancer Panel, American Women's Medical Association, National Organization for Women, National Women's Health Network, and National Women's Health Resource Center. There was no response. Not one. Given the lack of interest, we decided to publish our findings in a book, getting the information directly to the women who needed to hear it.

But are women getting the message?

It has been 12 years since our book was first published. Over that time, more than 500,000 women in the US alone have died from breast cancer, with another 2,000,000 having been diagnosed with this terrible disease -- a disease that is in most cases preventable by simply loosening up or eliminating the bra. And yet, this lifesaving information has been actively suppressed and censored by the medical and lingerie industries.

Examples of Suppress and Censorship

A large public relations firm in New York City was willing and eager to help us release this information to the public. "My wife just had breast cancer, and I'm sure you are right," the head of the firm confessed. A big media announcement and celebration were planned. Days later, however, the firm withdrew its offer to help, stating that one of their clients, a large medical center, objected to their working with us.

A Sydney, Australia public relations firm agreed to help publicize our work when we were doing outreach efforts in their country. But it, too, reversed itself. We had asked if they had any conflicts of interest, such as lingerie industry clients. They said they had none. But as it turned out, they did represent a pharmaceutical company that makes a breast cancer treatment drug, and the prevention of breast cancer and its treatment are in conflict, they explained.

The Intimate Apparel Council (which is the US trade association for the multi-billion dollar bra industry) threatened our publisher, Avery Publishing Group, with a lawsuit if Dressed To Kill was released. The publisher said the publicity would help spread the word. The lawsuit never materialized.

After the book was released, the NBC television news show, Dateline, was interested in doing a story on our work. We were extensively interviewed by a skeptical reporter who became a supporter. The story was then abruptly terminated. The producer confidentially explained that the policy of General Electric, which owns NBC, is to avoid airing news stories that can adversely impact on other GE interests. As it happens, GE is a manufacturer of mammography machines.

Women's magazines, such as Glamour, Self, and others, ran critical stories condemning our work, and finding "experts" to encourage women to continue wearing bras. Elle magazine planned a positive story about the bra/cancer link, but was coerced into pulling the story by bra advertisers. In various newspapers around the world, such as the Guardian in the UK, stories were pulled prior to publication because of fear that they may "panic the public", including their lingerie advertisers.

The British Fashion Council (which is the UK's equivalent of the Intimate Apparel Council) published the Breast Health Handbook in 1996 to oppose our efforts. They announced the formation of the Breakthrough Breast Cancer Foundation, which was to receive donations from bra sales to fund genetic research into breast cancer. The book criticized our work, claiming, "The idea that wearing a bra encourages cancer by trapping toxins was recently put forward by researchers at the Institute for Culturogenic Studies (sic) in Hawaii. Researchers from more august establishments promptly dismissed it as claptrap." Without any medical evidence or research, the book informs women that wearing bras is a health necessity, and should be worn as early in life as possible to prevent breast damage.

Our original publisher, Avery, was purchased by giant Penguin Putnam in 1998. The new publisher did not list the book for three years and refused to revert publication rights to the copywrite holders, Singer and Grismaijer. The book was virtually unavailable, and it was thought to have gone out of print. Finally, after repeated requests, the publishing rights were released to us in October, 2001. (ISCD Press has been keeping it in print since then.)

A television documentary was produced in the year 2000 by Channel 4 in the UK, called, Bras- The Bare Facts. In the documentary, 100 women with fibrocystic breast disease went bra-free for 3 months to document the effect on breast cysts and pain. Two prominent British breast surgeons conducted the study. The results were astounding, and clearly demonstrated that the bra is a serious health hazard. We were interviewed for the program to discuss the bra/cancer connection, which was considered highly plausible and important by the doctors interviewed. Some theorized that, in addition to lymphatic impairment, the bra could also cause cancer by overheating the breasts. The documentary made newspaper headlines in British Commonwealth countries throughout the world, but no mention of it was made at all in the US. The following day, headlines in the U.K. tried to suppress fears of the bra/cancer link, and the doctors in the study quickly distanced themselves from the cancer issue, telling women to continue wearing bras. Their research for the documentary was supposed to be published in a medical journal, but never was. And no further research ever materialized to follow-up on their work, which they said they would do. Extensive news coverage of the program was available on the Internet soon after it aired, but most articles were removed shortly thereafter.

No follow-up studies have been done to refute or confirm our research. None. While a Harvard study, published in the European Journal of Cancer in 1991, discovered that bra-free women have a lower rate of breast cancer, the results were not central to the research they were conducting and were considered unimportant and not followed-up. In fact, apart from our initial 1991-93 Bra and Breast Cancer Study, discussed in detail in Dressed To Kill, and our follow-up research in Fiji, discussed in our book, Get It Off!, there are still no other studies on the bra/cancer link. Not even a letter or discussion of the issue can be found in any medical journal. After decades of breast cancer research, the bra is still completely ignored as even being a potential factor for consideration. It's like studying foot disease and ignoring shoes.

Keeping the Public Mystified

This lack of research, and the consequent ignorance, are then used by cancer organizations to justify further suppression of the issue. As the American Cancer Society states on its website, (ignoring the Harvard study), "There are no scientifically valid studies that show a correlation between wearing bras of any type and the occurrence of breast cancer. Two anthropologists made this association in a book called Dressed To Kill. Their study was not conducted according to standard principles of epidemiological research and did not take into consideration other variables, including known risk factors for breast cancer. There is no other, credible research to validate this claim in any way." And they don't seem interested in funding any such studies in the near future, either. There are other organizations that are similarly critical of the bra/cancer link for lack of research evidence, while at the same time discouraging any research on the subject.

Of particular interest is when breast cancer organizations antagonistic to the issue declare the bra/cancer link to be "misinformation" or a "myth", without any scientific study supporting their claims. They say bras are important for women to wear for support, without any evidence showing bras are safe or necessary. They then encourage regular mammograms, cancer prevention drug therapy (not realizing that "prevention therapy" is an oxymoron), and even preventative mastectomies (which means that those who are high risk for breast cancer but who don't want to get it can have their breast removed as a prevention strategy). Of course, it is better to remove the bra instead of the breasts, but bra removal is not a billable procedure.

Keep in mind that bras have been associated with other health problems, such as headaches, numbness in the hands, backache and other postural problems, cysts, pain, skin depigmentation, and more. And lymphatic blockage, which is the result of bra constriction, has already been associated with various cancers. Clearly, the bra/cancer link needs further research, while women take the precaution of loosening up.

Why the resistance?

What harm could there be in following our simple advice, or in even researching this issue? Why the defensive reaction?

There are three reasons:

1. The bra industry fears class action lawsuits. Many insiders have admitted to us that for years the industry suspected underwires were causing cancer. They know that tight bras cause cysts and pain. It is only a matter of time until a lawsuit is made against a bra manufacturer. As a defense, the industry is shifting the blame to the customer, claiming that most women are wearing their bras too tightly, and should get professional fittings. (How do you get a properly fitted push-up bra?) Breaking ranks with their industry peers, and trying to capitalize on the bad news, are several bra manufacturers that now offer newly patented bras claiming to mitigate the damage, including cancer, caused by conventional bras.

2. The medical industry is making billions each year on the detection and treatment of breast cancer. As mentioned above, there is a conflict between the prevention and the treatment of disease, especially if the prevention does not include drugs or surgery. The fact is that our treatment-focused, profit-oriented medical system is making a killing treating this disease, and has billions to lose if breast cancer goes out of fashion along with bras.

In addition, the bra issue will revolutionize the breast cancer field, embarrassing many researchers. Breast cancer research to date that has ignored the bra issue is seriously flawed as a result, which is why the "experts" are still unable to explain the cause of over 70% of all breast cancer cases. Career cancer researchers who have ignored the bra issue will have to admit this fatal flaw in their work, which they are not inclined to admit in their lifetimes.

3. Finally, there is the dogmatic, fearful resistance from some women who find their personal identity so connected to their bras that they would rather risk cancer than be bra-free (which some women have actually told us.) Women are cultural entities, and so long as our culture scorns a natural bustline, many women will submit to the pain, red marks and indentations, cysts, and even the threat of cancer rather than face potential public ridicule (which never really happens.)

There are also women who believe the myth that bras will prevent droopy breasts. The bra industry admits this is a myth, while it still promotes it to improve sales. In fact, bras cause breasts to droop, as the breasts become dependent on the bra for support and the natural supportive mechanisms atrophy from non use.

Despite the resistance, however, some women have gotten the message. And many health care professionals, who have also suspected bras for years, are now spreading that message. As women hear the news and discover that eliminating the bra also eliminates cysts and pain, the news further spreads by word of mouth.

There are now thousands of websites on this subject, many from health care professionals including medical doctors, naturopathic doctors, osteopathic doctors, chiropractors, massage therapists, lymphatic specialists, nutritionists, and others who care about women and helping end this epidemic. Grassroots efforts to keep this information alive and spreading have supplanted the traditional medical research approach, which has disqualified itself for lack of interest and conflict of interest.

When a disease is caused by the culture and its habits, attitudes, fashions and industries, there is bound to be resistance to change. Industries that contribute to disease will be defensive, and industries that profit from disease will be conflicted. However, the truth has a way of getting out, despite the resistance and suppression. Thank Goodness the truth does have a way of getting out.

Sydney Ross Singer is a medical anthropologist and director of the Institute for the Study of Culturogenic Disease, located in Hawaii. His unique form of applied medical anthropology searches for the cultural/lifestyle causes of disease. His working assumption is that our bodies were made to be healthy, but our culture and the attitudes and behaviors it instills in us can get in the way of health. By eliminating these causes, the body is allowed to heal. Since most diseases of our time are caused by our culture/lifestyle, this approach has resulted in many original discoveries into the cause, and cure, of many common diseases. It also makes prevention possible by eliminating adverse lifestyle practices. Sydney works with his co-researcher and wife, Soma Grismaijer, and is the author of several groundbreaking health books.

Sydney Ross Singer and Soma Grismaijer can be reached at the Institute for the Study of Culturogenic Disease, P.O. Box 1880, Pahoa, Hawaii 96778 (808) 935-5563. sydsinger@gmail.com

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Flax Seed in Breast Cancer Prevention

If you get to know better the health benefits of flax seed, you may come across the fact that its nourishing properties are attributive of its omega-3 fatty acids, dietary fibers, and high-lignan content. Given these medicinal constituents, then it won't be difficult to think of flax seed as a powerful agent against breast cancer. Millions of women from around the world-particularly those in the postmenopausal stage, are inflicted with breast cancer and while a fully determined cure is still unavailable, flax seed supplementation is what medical researchers are hoping to be an effective prevention against this deadly disease.

The grain's anti-cancerous property is mostly attributed to its high-lignan content, where flax seed is regarded as the chief source of lignans among various plant species. Pertinent research confirms that the antioxidant lignan helps reduce the proliferation of cancerous cells. Experiments also reveal that a reduction in tumor size among breast cancer patients was evident following a period of supplementation with flax lignan capsules under a controlled diet. But the most successful results materialized when diets were supplemented with ground flax seed and the lignan capsules. Though the potential of flax seed as an anti-breast cancer agent is not yet fully recognized by the scientific community, the grain's observed ability to regulate the excess production of estrogen hormones during the post menopausal stage likely becomes the springboard to prevention. Moreover, flax seed retains its stature as a promising remedy that medical authorities have been using to treat certain cases of cancer.

The medicinal benefit of flax seed is however not limited to the control of cancer and tumor cell regeneration. In fact, it is imbibed with nutritional values that promote an overall healthy body. Besides the antioxidant activity of lignans, flax seed is also enriched with omega-3 fatty acids and dietary fibers-both soluble and insoluble.

Omega-3 is an essential factor to cellular mechanisms, and this unsaturated fatty acid lowers bad cholesterol (low density lipoprotein or LDL cholesterol) levels. Dietary fibers on the other hand enhance digestion as well as the absorption of essential nutrients in the body, which is an important factor in boosting immune system functions. Maintaining good blood circulation and strong immune defenses are indispensable factors to the upkeep of health, particularly in surviving the after effects of cancers. What makes chemotherapeutic treatments (that are probably thought of as the only effective means to fight cancer cells) dangerous is that these procedures compromise immune system conditions. The side effects of chemotherapy such as diarrhea, hair loss, and blood cell diseases among others convey compromising repercussions to a patient's overall health.

An ounce of prevention is better than a pound of cure. So for women crossing over to the post menopausal stage, it wouldn't cost so much to sustain a daily supplementation of milled flax seed and flax lignan capsules to help regulate estrogen levels in the body. In the end, flax seed becomes your mighty protector against breast cancer!

Bruce Maul is a partner in Gold Flax Seed, Inc. which provides only top quality Flax Seed and Health related products. Learn more about Flax Seed by visiting http://www.goldflaxseed.com

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Can You Prevent Chemotherapy Side Effects with All Natural Herbs?

Certainly there must be something that can be done to help your friend or loved one with cancer.

One solution is all natural herbs that can be used to strengthen the immune system and help regulate blood cell counts. These can be used as an adjunct to chemotherapy and in many cases used the same day that chemotherapy is given.

Just as drugs can affect many of the body systems, so can herbs. For example, one herb, cat's claw from the Amazon rainforest, boosts white blood cell count and function both 34%, but also has chemical constituents in it for improving depression. In Peru, herbalists sometimes recommend placing the herb underneath the pillow and say that the next morning, a new attitude will be found.

Because of the ability of all natural herbs such as cat's claw to affect the mind as well as the immune system, this herb is frequently found in all natural herb combinations for chemotherapy patients.

Reducing Chemotherapy Side Effects Strengthens the Body

One particular herbal combination I have found recently that has been tested and researched has actions that include activating the natural killer cells that fight against cancer, relieving fatigue and boosting energy levels of those on a treatment program of chemotherapy. What a wonderful combination of benefits from something natural.

This is a major feat in itself because chemotherapy drugs are good at killing cancer cells, but during the process, normal cells are also damaged. When cells are damaged, they need to be repaired and the process can leave one feeling fatigued, weak and also susceptible to infection.

Nausea, vomiting and even pain are also common side effects. About half of chemotherapy patients report that they feel queasy even before the chemotherapy treatment session begins! It's as if the body remembers feeling nausea from the last treatment session and is getting ready to start feeling the same thing again!

Natural herbal medicine is one of the best choices to reduce chemotherapy side effects because natural herbs often work on multiple body systems simultaneously, supporting the body functions holistically.

One proprietary formula of 15 all natural herbs has shown clinical results in an average of 7 days. The formula has a surprisingly pleasant taste and is reported by many cancer sufferers to change their condition from being bedridden to leading normal lives and even getting back to work.

The herbs included in this formula are:

Ligustrum Lucidum (fruit)

Polygonatum (root)

Poria (seed)

Codonopsis (root)

Psoralea (fruit)

Lycium (fruit)

Astragalus (root)

Dong Quai (root)

Tangerine (fruit peel)

Dendrobium (stem)

Chinese Licorice (root)

Spatholobus (stem)

Rehmannia (root)

Bai-zhu Atractylodes (root)

Reishi Mushroom (whole)

Dozens of research studies have reported that many of the all natural herbs in formulas like this are well known immune stimulators and have anti-cancer properties. They repair cellular damage, important when someone has cancer. Bai-zhu Atractylodes stimulates the two component parts of the immune system, the T cells and the B cells, producing more antibodies and more interferon and is known for its anti-cancer properties. Reishi Mushrooms promote the production of natural killer cells. Because of the actions of these all natural herbs, many cancer patients taking a combination such as this notice relief of anemia, relief of chronic fatigue, and relief from abnormal blood counts.

One of the big keys to recovering from cancer is regaining strength. Once this happens, the cancer patient feels better both physically and mentally and hope sets in.

For more info on herbal formulas that may help reduce chemotherapy side effects, see the website http://www.immuneenhance.com

Dr. Donna Schwontkowski is a master herbalist and a retired chiropractic physician. She is internationally known for her work in the field of herbs. Her website is http://www.drdonna.info

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Cancer Survivors - Recovery Is Dependent On Avoiding These 6 Common Mistakes

Cancer survivors have gone through a lot of allopathic treatments, many of them involving drug therapy. It is very easy for a cancer survivor to display impaired judgment and have difficulties in making the right decision, due to the increased levels of toxins in one's tissues as well as the brain.
The important realization a cancer patient should have is that their goal is to reach a new level of health now, not necessary mimicking the old one(that got them in trouble in the first place..).
Realizing health can occur in different stages, that health is a state of balance will help them to get into the right state of mind.

Usually, a disease occur as a way to bring one onto a more balance state.
For this new level of health to happen, the cancer survivor must undergo certain changes. While going through these changes, it is important to avoid these mistakes:

Mistakes of cancer survivors

1. Losing Hope

Patients who are fully informed about their medical condition and prospects under alternative care are able to marshal the invaluable and therapeutically potent power hope.

One of the most important psychotherapeutic variables, hope is generated by discussing cases of patient with similar cancers and outlining how they have dealt with their tumor and result of treatment; support groups are very valuable for cancer survivors. This is one of the component of my courses: survivors get to hear and interact with others in a similar situation...

A clear benefit to increasing hope and encouraging attitudes of faith and positivism, is that it increase compliance to treatment. The combination of this compliance to a carefully designed treatment program and the considerable positive impact that enhanced hope can have on the immune system can contribute to a much more favorable outcome.

The physician must always be clear and truthful with patients, but hope never hurt anyone and No physician has the right to take it away!

2. Stress is a big component of all illnesses, but especially cancer.

Research confirms that high levels of emotional stress increases one's susceptibility to illness. Unrelieved, chronic stress begins taxing and eventually weakening, even suppressing,

the immune system.

Stress is a pervasive problem among Americans; according to research polls, most men and women feel stressed out at work everyday.

Stress can be defined as a reaction ( to any stimulus or interference) that upsets normal functioning and disturbs mental and physical health.

Research in psychoneuroimmunology (PMI) has shown that the immune and nervous systems are linked by extensive networks of nerve endings in the spleen, bone marrow, lymph nodes, and thymus gland ( primary source of T-cells.)

At the same time, receptors for a variety of chemicals messengers- catecholamines, prostaglandin, thyroid hormone, growth hormone, sex hormones, serotonin and endorphins- have been found on the surfaces of white blood cells.

Such connections serve to integrate the activities of immune, hormonal, and nervous system, enabling the mind and emotional states to influence the body's resistance to cancer.

Learning to manage stress more efficiently is an invaluable tool for survivors to learn.

3.Another mistake cancer survivors make is ignoring the mental-emotional state that also needs balancing during the recovery stage.

Many physicians now believe that treating an individual's mental and emotional states is as important as treating any cancerous tunnels that maybe a result of such condition.

Preliminary studies of biofeedback, meditation, yoga, guided imaging, and other relaxation techniques suggest the mind can enhance immunity against cancer.

Personal growth is an essential component of successful cancer recovery as the correct supplementation program. One must reflect on who one is and why this disease has come into one's life.

Disease is a process of personal transformation, not a static event; it's a dynamic movement of your own being, not a " thing" you have.

Certain personality traits or behavioral copy styles may make people more susceptible to the types of stress that contribute to cancer.

People who tend to developed cancer often are those who are "plagued" by depression, indecision, hopelessness, low self-steam, chronic fatigue, and physical weakness.

Anxiety, grief, loneliness, or isolation can also depress one's immune function, possibly increasing one's susceptibility to cancer. Fear is the " primary toxin" from which ....all other "toxin" emotions: anxiety, hostility, resentment, bigotry and selfishness.

4.The first mistake of cancer survivors ever make is not playing enough attention to the process of detoxification that should always follow allopathic treatments, especially chemotherapy.

By definition , cancer manifests in a body whose toxic levels are high and immunity is low.

Allopathic cancer treatments usually add to the toxicity levels, rendering cells in a state of anaerobiosis ( without oxygen)

In a healthy individual, the body's normal detoxification system, especially the liver, are generally able to eliminate toxin, and thereby prevent illness. These system, including the immune defense, can be overwhelmed by a multiplicity of toxins and become functionally incompetent to compete the vitality necessary detoxification. A blocked detoxification system might involve a clogged lymphatic drainage system, chronic intestinal constipation and liver enzyme dysfunction.

5. The single most important mistake cancer survivors make is not realizing how complex this diagnosis is, involving the whole body.

1. Cancer is a multi-factorial disease, involving all systems of the body.

2. Cancer is not usually a localized disease, but systemic

3. Cancer always occurs in an individual whose immune system is compromised and whose toxicity levels are elevated. Surgery ( removal of one cancerous part = tumor) without addressing the rest of all these imbalances does not necessarily lead to full recovery.

6. One of the most important realizations a survivor should have is that recovery involves a full body regeneration and strengthening, not just removal of a localized tumor.

They key to reversing cancer are detoxifying the body and strengthening the immune system; the best way to do so is by working with naturopathic medicine:

Improve the body's internal resistance through preventive, natural nutrition that bolsters the immune system, therefore enhancing functionality of all cells.

If you intend to cure (= totally recover from) cancer, you must do more than just destroy the tumor; the genesis of a tumor takes years and is only a part of a larger process, which is an answer to some internal imbalance: address the imbalance, and you are steps closer to full cancer recovery.

As a cancer survivor, remember: you are a winner already! Keep going and enjoy life!

Your cancer recovery starts with the first step. = avoid these 6 common mistakes!

And now I'd like to invite you to learn more how naturopathy can help you recover from cancer by offering you a free access to my upcoming Tele-seminar on natural cancer recovery: for details, go here: http://www.doctoranca.com

From: Dr. Anca Martalog, N.D - survivor's coach of cancer survivors network

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The Foods That We Eat Can Fight Cancer

Cancer is a deadly disease and it is now increasingly being realized that what we eat can cause and prevent cancer. When we overload our body with everything that is artificial - fried foods, fast foods, processed meat, packaged food, preservatives, chemicals etc. it causes huge strain in our body. There are already enough carcinogens in the atmospheres in the form of petroleum products emission, chemicals, tobacco etc. apart from natural metabolism and aging process. This is in addition to the genetic predisposition to cancer. This means that we are sitting on a cancer time bomb.

We know now that diet is prob¬ably the biggest single influence on cancer. We have thousands of medical studies that support this conclusion. When we eat natural foods like broccoli, cabbage, carrots tomatoes, soy foods, fish oils, olives, onions, apples, garlic, mushrooms, ginseng, ginger, vitamins, minerals, cereal grasses, cups of green tea and a few other foods we are doing a great favor to our body. These foods clear our body of all the toxins and have strong free radical scavenging and anti cancer properties. Our body will live at higher degree of health and energy. We will hardly get any disease including cancer this way. Our body builds up a formi¬dable capacity to crush cancers.

Diet is believed to cause 60 percent of all cancers. More than this cancer attributed to other causes could even be stopped by proper diet and nutrition. For example we all know that smoking causes cancer but the incidence of lung cancer in China with highest number of smokers in the world is very low. Chinese drink pots and pots of green tea. The nutrients in green tea are supposed to prevent all types of cancer including lung cancer.

Why spend so much on money on expensive artificial foods, burger & pizza joints, costly restaurants, alcohol, eating outs and again spend much more to treat the diseases that these foods cause (many times the diseases cannot even be managed and cured ) . The natural foods that we had mentuioned in previous para are far cheaper than eating out.

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Bladder Cancer And The Effects Of Colon Cleansing

You have probably heard about some of the many ways that you can cleanse your colon, but you may not understand the benefit of colon cleansing. There are many reasons that you are going to want to have a colon cleansing done at least every couple of years.

Herbs are good in intestinal cleansing since they get rid of pounds of foul smelling food debris that have been stocked inside the colon. Often colon cleansing can take up to a month and there are products that are very effective such as powers, teas, and pills. Increase your level of exercise to assist in eliminating constipation and speed up detoxification and colon cleansing.

Increase the fiber in your diet and include whole grains, fruits and vegetables to help activate colon cleansing and constipation relief. For detoxifying or cleansing the colon, it is also important to include probiotics in your diet in order to replenish the good bacteria in the intestines. Many people swear to the fact that after years of self-medication and doctor visits, a colon cleansing is what finally cured them of many of the diseases they were suffering from for years.

As the awareness of colon cleansing is reaching more and more people, new methods of colon cleansing are also available. A colon cleansing kit consist of a 3 part system. The tea, powder, and the pills as mentioned above. But far from the only thing on the market.

Constipation is caused by so many different contributing factors that it is very challenging to come up with a colon cleansing recipe that will work fairly widely. Juice fasting is a great way of cleansing the colon. The second way is to use cleansing herbal formulas which often contain herbs that are known to kill parasites, reactivate the peristalsis (muscular action of the colon) and eliminate mucus and compacted feces from the sides of the colon wall.

Often the colon wall muscles will expand and lose tone. Good colon health implies the proper and adequate functioning of the colon and toxic-free state of the colon.

The best thing to do is to make sure that you are having a colon cleansing done every couple of years so that you are not going to have any complications in the near future because of all the toxins that you may be taking in. Please remember that it is important to consult a medical practitioner for advice before you start a colon cleansing program. Happy colon health to you, and please visit my websites to learn more about colon detoxification cleansing.

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How To Beat Lack of Energy from Chemotherapy Treatment

Chemotherapy takes a big toll on the body of a cancer patient. It's common to have side effects such as lack of energy, nausea, lack of appetite, mouth sores and hair loss. Many people think that because these side effects are quite common, everyone on chemotherapy will have the same experience. The good news is that this is not true.

Lack of energy, nausea, lack of appetite, mouth sores, and hair loss can be prevented by using all natural herbs that are combined in specific dosages in an herbal formula. When an all natural formula is created properly, it is not uncommon to find many patients reporting the elimination of chemotherapy side effects after using it for only 7 days. Some patients may even report that they are able to get off bed rest and start working again while others notice that nausea and lack of energy has become a thing of the past.

Why Chemotherapy Patients have Lack of Energy

Chemotherapy drugs often cause low levels of white and red blood cells, which contributes to the feeling of lack of energy. By killing cancer cells with chemotherapy drugs, some healthy cells are also killed. It takes time for the body to recover and start the production of new cells again. In the meantime, the person feels tired and as if all their energy has been zapped out of them. Once in this weakened mental and physical state, it becomes easy to give up the will to live.

That's where the all natural herbs come to the rescue. In many cultures, all natural herbs have been used to build the cell counts in the blood back up to normal levels. Other all natural herbs act on a part of the white blood cell line, for example, the natural killer cells which specifically kill cancer cells.

Natural Effects from Herbs Only Help the Body

The reason that all natural formulas work so well is that they combine herbs together. For example, the combination of 15 all natural different herbs with known anti-cancer effects, known action that supports the immune system, and known anti-oxidant properties can work wonders. Research on the actions of herbs is plentiful. For example, the all natural herbs Astragalus and Bai-zhu atractylodeshas activates white blood cells, both T and B cells, important in the battle against cancer. Reishi mushrooms have been heavily researched and promote the production of natural killer cells which kill cancer cells specifically.

The formula could also contain tangerine, dong quai, Chinese licorice, dendrobium, ligustrum lucidum, spatholobus, codonopsis, psoralea, polygonaturm, poria seed, lycium fruit, and rehmannia.

When all natural herbs are combined together, their effect on the body is often greater than the effect seen by each individual herb. Herbs augment each other, resulting in greater results for the person taking them. This is the case of some anti-chemotherapy side effects formulas which have been found to boost energy levels, thereby eliminating the chemotherapy fatigue and lack of energy, boost production of antibodies and interferon, and also boost the levels of the white and red blood cells.

These formulas can be taken before chemotherapy starts, during chemotherapy and even afterwards. They are considered by many to be a blessing to those taking it because the all natural herbs allow them to finish their course of chemotherapy with minimal side effects. They receive the best of both worlds - medical and the all natural herb world, two opposing viewpoints that are blended together to result in a better quality of life.

It's Dr. Donna's passion to bring herbal info to those who are suffering from side effects of chemotherapy when there is a solution. She is a master herbalist and holds other degrees (http://www.drdonna.info) For more info on herbs that help decrease chemotherapy side effects, see http://www.immuneenhance.com

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Can Milk Thistle Prevent Liver Cancer?

Toxic substances surround us every day, in our food, water, medications, and especially the air we breathe. These toxins are extremely detrimental to the health of your liver, and your choice of liver support supplements can drastically affect this very important organ. Milk thistle has long been known for its liver supportive and protective qualities, and is the number one herbal supplement prescribed for most liver ailments. It has proven in various clinical studies to have a profound effect on the progression of fibrosis, and has been quite effective in slowing the rate of advancement of liver damage.

Most people are aware of the stages of liver disease: inflammation, fibrosis, cirrhosis, and liver failure. If not treated in the early stages, liver cancer (Hepatocellular carcinoma, or HCC) can develop. Milk thistle has been proven to help protect liver cells against further damage from harmful toxins, which speed up the progression of the above stages of liver disease. Supplementing with milk thistle in the early stages can keep the disease from quickly advancing towards liver cancer. In addition to keeping liver cells healthy, milk thistle can also help this vital organ regenerate new liver cells, in an effort to prevent any additional scar tissue from developing.

Milk thistle, or silymarin, is made up of three main components - and silybin is the most beneficial to the liver. This highly concentrated part of milk thistle has the most therapeutic effects on the liver. Research shows that not only is milk thistle anti-fibrotic and anti-inflammatory, but it has potent antioxidants and can block toxins from invading the liver.

Because it is an herbal supplement, the FDA has not approved milk thistle as a treatment for any condition or disease, including liver cancer. However, the clinical research offers hope that milk thistle's proven ability to help fight liver disease makes it a viable liver cancer preventive method. Anyone with advancing liver disease can benefit from this therapeutic supplement that has no known contraindications or interactions.

Learn more about the health benefits of milk thistle.

Visit LiverSupport.com to learn more about liver health and liver support products. Sign up for LiverSupport Health News, and learn even more about supporting liver health for you and your family.

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Relieving Chemotherapy Side Effects of Fatigue, Constipation, Nausea, Vomiting and Mouth Sores

It's a very sad day when someone is diagnosed with cancer of any type. The diagnosis from the doctor can cause someone to want to give up and the person often rides an emotional roller coaster for the next several months.

What many cancer patients fear most about cancer is the side effects of chemotherapy, such as hair loss, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, extreme fatigue, abdominal pain, constipation, diarrhea, and mouth sores. The sad part about these chemotherapy side effects is that food doesn't taste good anymore, doesn't smell good, and there is constant irritation in the mouth from mouth sores during times when eating. Life is naturally full of social opportunities to partake of food together with loved ones, but when this happy part of life is taken away from someone, the cancer patient's emotions can easily turn downward to depression.

During cancer treatments such as radiation and chemotherapy, it is difficult for a patient to consume the calories he or she needs to maintain good nutritional status. This can result in vitamin and mineral deficiencies that contribute to loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea, stomach problems, gas, depression, mental instability, and hair loss. The treatments themselves of chemotherapy and radiation can also cause the same side effects of loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea, mouth sores, hair loss, nausea and vomiting.

So what is the solution? It is one that makes chemotherapy side effects such as nausea, vomiting, mouth sores, loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea and even hair loss a thing of the past.

Health professionals and research scientists have been reporting for the past few decades that when all natural herbs are used as an adjunct therapy for cancer patients receiving chemotherapy and radiation, the amount of suffering that is experienced from chemotherapy side effects dwindles down to the very minimum. As a result, the patient can conceivably receive the medical treatment and recover in the shortest amount of time possible.

One way that all natural herbs are used in the alleviation of side effects of chemotherapy and radiation is by mixing them together into herbal formulas. Herbs selected for alleviating side effects of chemotherapy in one formula included fennel, tangerine, Chinese hawthorne, Bai-zhu atractylodes, dendroblum, Chinese licorice, Codonopsis, ginger root, Job's Tears, Poria, and Astragalus.

The herbs were chosen by the rating of their usefulness of regulating the digestive system. Fennel helps the sense of taste return and increases the secretion of fluids needed for the digestive process. Ginger improves loss of appetite and stimulates blood circulation in the stomach. Ginger has been used for centuries to combat nausea, vomiting and diarrhea. Astragalus is effective for loss of appetite and diarrhea.

The retention of body fluid is also important, since a dehydrated body makes toxic chemicals floating around in the body more toxic. The two herbs Job's Tears and Dendrobium are helpful for minimizing dehydration.

The quicker a cancer patient on chemotherapy and radiation can regain his or her strength and feel better physically and mentally, the quicker he or she can get on with living life to its fullest. The quicker the chemotherapy side effects can be alleviated, the sooner he or she can start improving the quality of life.

The inventors of this particular herbal combination found that the herbal combination was even helpful in those who did not have cancer, but had problems with their digestive tract, such as those with irritable bowel syndrome and Crohn's disease.

Chemotherapy side effects such as nausea, vomiting, mouth sores, loss of appetite, constipation, diarrhea and even hair loss can become a thing of the past.

Dr. Donna Schwontkowski wants to see every cancer patient undergoing chemotherapy and radiation come out healed and whole without experiencing the side effects along the way. She's a Master Herbalist and the author of Herbs of the Amazon. For more info about how she can help, see http://www.drdonna.info For additional info on how herbs can help those undergoing chemotherapy, see http://www.immuneenhance.com

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Does The Acai Berry Destroy Cancer Cells In Humans?

Hundreds of years ago when the Europeans made contact with the new world in the Amazon region, certain indigenous plants became extinct shortly after their arrival due to the lack of resistance to diseases brought over from Europe. Some of the trees that did survive were palm trees that produce the acai berry twice a year.

Why did these trees fair so well?

This fruit is remarkably rich in a wide range of nutrients and trace elements. The acai palm could also survive when standing submerged in water for up to a year. It is this ability to resist disease and survive that is also passed on to those who consume its fruit. So rich in nutrients are the acai fruit that people could survive on it alone for up to six months before showing signs of malnutrition.

One reason so little was known about the acai berries until a few years ago is that they are highly perishable and normally used immediately after picking. They are now freeze dried and converted into acai powder. Products such as acai juice made from the little purple fruit have only been available for about 7 years.

This has led to the University of Florida to conduct a study of the benefits of acai in humans. Its research was an important step toward learning what people may gain from using acai berry supplements. Study results showed extracts from acai berries triggered a self-destruct response in up to 86 percent of leukemia cells tested. Researchers cautioned that the study was not intended to show whether compounds found in acai could prevent leukemia in people. However, they added that compounds found to show good activity against cancer cells in a model system are most likely to have beneficial effects in our bodies.

The next study to be done by U of FL will investigate the effects of acai's antioxidants on healthy human subjects. The study will determine how well the compounds are absorbed into the blood, and how they may effect blood pressure, cholesterol levels and other related health indicators since there is still at least 50 as-yet unidentified compounds.

If you are looking to enjoy the health benefits of acai and generate a Serious Income Online, visit Randy's marketing website.

About the Author: Randy Vanderveen is an experienced internet marketer and President of Vanderveen Marketing Group. His mission is to develop leaders into full time 6-figure earners and home business entrepreneurs.

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Brain Cancer - Symptoms of Brain Cancer

Brain cancer is a disease of the brain where cancer cells (malignant) grow in the brain tissue. Cancer cells grow to form a mass of cancer tissue (tumor) that interferes with brain tissue functions such as muscle control, sensation, memory, and other normal body functions. Tumors composed of cancer cells are called malignant tumors, and those composed of noncancerous cells are called benign tumors. Cancer cells that develop from brain tissue are called primary brain tumors. Statistics suggest that brain cancer is not rare and is likely to develop in about 20,000 people per year.

There are two main types of brain cancer. Primary brain cancer starts in the brain. Metastatic brain cancer starts somewhere else in the body and moves to the brain. Brain tumors can be benign, with no cancer cells, or malignant, with cancer cells that grow quickly.

Primary brain cancer rarely spreads beyond the central nervous system, and death results from uncontrolled tumor growth within the limited space of the skull. Metastatic brain cancer indicates advanced disease and has a poor prognosis.

Metastatic brain tumors are made of cancerous cells from a tumor elsewhere in the body. The cells spread to the brain from another tumor in a process called metastasis. About 25% of tumors elsewhere in the body metastasize to the brain.

Symptoms of Brain Cancer

Brain tumors can damage vital neurological pathways and invade and compress brain tissue. Symptoms usually develop over time and their characteristics depend on the location and size of the tumor.

Cancers are typically painless at first. As they grow, the first symptom is often a mild discomfort, which may steadily worsen into increasingly severe pain as the cancer enlarges. The pain may result from the cancer compressing or eroding into nerves or other structures.

The symptoms are caused by the tumor pressing on or encroaching on other parts of your brain and keeping them from functioning normally.

A sign is also an indication that something is not right in the body. But signs are defined as things that can be seen by a doctor, nurse, or other health care professional. Fever, rapid breathing rate, and abnormal breathing sounds heard through a stethoscope may be signs of pneumonia.

As the skull is made of bone, there is a fixed amount of space for the brain to take up. The growing tumor increases the pressure inside this fixed space. This is called 'raised intracranial pressure'.

Motion sickness is a very common disturbance of the inner ear that is caused by repeated motion such as from the swell of the sea, the movement of a car, the motion of a plane in turbulent air, etc. In the inner ear (which is also called the labyrinth), motion sickness affects the sense of balance and equilibrium and, hence, the sense of spatial orientation.

Brain tumors can often present different symptoms depending on the location of the tumor. There are general brain tumor symptoms that need to be checked out by a doctor if they are experienced.

Fits are one of the commonest symptoms of brain tumors. About 1 in 4 people with a brain tumor first go to their doctor because they have had a fit. A fit can just be jerking or twitching of a hand, arm or leg.

At the late stages of the disorder, dramatic changes in blood pressure may occur. Seizures are a common symptom of benign brain tumors and slow-growing cancers. Tumors can cause a part of the body to weaken or feel paralyzed. Hearing, sight and the sense of smell can be affected.

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Top Five Tips To Avoid Cancer

Cancer is a reality that can affect any one of us. Sometimes the effect will be direct and we will be diagnosed with a form of cancer ourselves, other times it will be someone we know and love. However it is quite possible to reduce the risk of suffering from cancer. Here are the top five tips.

Tip 1: Educate Yourself

The fact you are reading this indicates that you are already doing this. You need to educate yourself not only about the different types of cancer, but also about the methods of early detection that can alert you to a cancerous growth before it has grown or spread too far. The earlier you find cancer, the easier it is to treat and the more likely the treatment is to be successful.

Tip 2: Protect Yourself In The Sun

Wearing a shirt and hat can save your life. Don't believe me? Skin cancer is between two and three times more likely to result in people who have been sunburnt and blistered. Sunburn hurts at the time, so you want to avoid it for the immediate benefit, but the long term consequences of serious sunburn are even more serious.

Tip 3: Protect Yourself From harmful Chemicals

If during your work you come in contact with harmful chemicals or substances be sure to follow all the safety procedures that your work no doubt has in place. If your work does not have them in place, be sure to get them implemented or change job. It is your right to be safe in your work place. Don't compromise your health.

Tip 4: Use Alcohol in Moderation

Overuse of alcohol can have long lasting serious benefits. Ensure you keep your drinking to moderate levels. Certain alcohols in the correct level have been shown to have a beneficial effect on cancer. The best example is red wine which is shown to be a drink that is good for the heart and cleanses the system with it's strong antioxidant properties.

Tip 5: Stop Smoking

Hopefully I don't even need to explain this one. Most cigarettes are packed with a cocktail of chemicals that are harmful to your system. Worse than this you are risking passing on the same negative effects to those you love. Passive smoking can lead to the same serious health issues that smokers themselves suffer from. Worse than this, pregnant woman need to stop smoking immediately after finding out they are pregnant. The negative effects of tobacco can be passed via the bloodstream to the child.

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Should You Clean Your Colon?

Whether or not you choose to ever use colon cleansers is a decision you alone must make. There are many different methods to use for colon cleansing. There are even entire kits available online. Some are all natural, deriving from herbs, with no side-effects like over-the-counter laxatives or enemas. There is no horrible cramping that causes sweating and pain, and there are no loose stools. Not everyone who uses these pills is constipated. Sometimes people just use them to cleanse the toxins from their bodies to feel a kind of mental and physical rejuvenation. Some even say that colon cleanses can ease symptoms of anxiety or depression. The reason for this is because unless you are eating the recommended nine daily servings of fruits and vegetables with little saturated fat, processed chemicals, and refined sugars, the food and meat you eat eventually stick to the walls of your bowels.

Overtime, this can lead to decreases in the necessary, energy-giving vitamins and nutrients from reaching the rest of your body, leading to lethargy and overall unhealthiness. Your optimum health begins with a healthy functioning colon. All-natural, herbal colon cleaning pills are the way to go if you want a quick relief from constipation or just a healthy start. These are easier to use than enemas and not cramp causing like chemical laxatives. These pills will help not only clean the end of your colon out like in a suppository, but will help scrape off and eliminate the mineral and vitamin blocking plaque that resides in the walls of you bowel now. If you've other alternatives unsatisfied or you are just looking for a different, natural remedy, then try natural, herbal pills.

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Bleeding After The Menopause - Essential Facts You Need To Know

If you've been through the menopause you may be worried by spotting or bleeding that you find. This can be due to a number of causes including vaginal infections, fibroids and endometrial cancer.

But first you have to rule out the fact have you actually reached the menopause. Even if you have been having perimenopausal symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweats for several years, it doesn't actually mean that you have reached the menopause yet. What most people call menopause symptoms are actually due to the perimenopause - the run up to the menopause. During this time your period can occur at very infrequent times. You are said to have reached the menopause when you have gone for 12 months without a period.

Bleeding in an older woman who has properly gone through the menopause may be due to cervical cancer or endometrial cancer (womb cancer). Cervical cancer may also be accompanied by a discharge that smells or pain following intercourse. If you have any of these symptoms you should visit your doctor.

Vaginal infections can also sometimes cause bleeding. Other causes could be fibroids or polyps. Your doctor may need to arrange for a specialist examination and tests to be carried out. This would be done by a gynecologist, who is an expert in women's healthcare.

One of the tests that the gynecologist may perform is a visual examination using a tool called a speculum. A hysteroscopy maybe carried out if there is any concern that bleeding is coming from the womb. This is where a tiny telescope is inserted that can look at the lining of the womb, and take a sample of tissue (biopsy) if needed. A colposcopy is a similar procedure where the specialist uses a mini telescope to look at the cervix and take a sample if required.

Cancers of the cervix and the womb are very treatable and a cure can often be made as long as they are caught early enough. This is why it is important to visit your doctor if you are concerned about any bleeding after the menopause. You should not just hope it will go away.

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Global Breast Cancer Crisis

Once a disease of the Western world, breast cancer has become a global concern. Breast cancer is the most lethal form of cancer for women in the world. An estimated 1 million cases will be identified this year, and about 500,000 new and existing patients will die from breast cancer. In the U.S., breast cancer will be diagnosed in 1 in 8 women. In other emerging economies, breast cancer is a relatively new concern. Previously a malady that mostly afflicted white, affluent women in the industrial hubs of North America and Western Europe, breast cancer is everywhere. By 2020, 70% of all breast-cancer cases worldwide will be in developing countries. Worse, as the reach of the disease is expanding, the reach of detection and treatment is not. For a woman battling breast cancer in the West, new diagnosis and treatment options come along all the time. Not so elsewhere. In the U.S., an estimated $8.1 billion is spent to diagnose and treat breast cancer each year. In India, half of all women with the disease go entirely without treatment. In South Africa, only 5% of cancers are caught in the earliest phase of the disease. With Westernized life spans, can come Western habits too-fatty foods, lack of exercise and obesity, all of which may raise the incidence of breast cancer. In many parts of the world, breast cancer is still a shameful secret.

In U.S. and Europe the type of breast cancer relies on estrogen to grow but for Asian and black women , breast cancer is more aggressive and relies on estrogen-receptor negative, or ER negative and strike 10 years earlier. There is also of ER-negative cancer called the basal-like subtype, resistant not only to estrogen but also to progesterone. Gene can also cause problems. All that to say that detecting breast cancer in the Asian population may present special difficulties.

If the spread of U.S. and European life-styles is contributing to the breast-cancer boom mainly the eating habits and reproductive habits. Women who give birth to fewer than 2 children have higher risk of developing breast cancer, pregnancy providing a sort of estrogen holiday and lactation preventing cells from becoming cancerous.

Finally, there is the lack of exercise. Studies show that leaner body mass and healthier diet for women cannot hurt. Greater awareness and greater testing are needed to start toward ending the global breast-cancer crisis. A good weight loss program is also recommended. It is also worth mentioning that cancer dislike an alkaline ph level.

Gilles Coulombe B.A. B.LL D.S.A.

Breast Cancer is the most lethal form of cancer for women in the world. Our lifestyles like eating habits, reproductive habits have contributed to the breast cancer boom. Leaner body mass, exercise and healthier diet can prevent cells to become cancerous.

My recommendation is to adopt a good weight loss program like the one I have suggested and to balance your pH levels because cancer dislike acid-alkaline balance. Black Cohosh can also contribute to prevent this lethal threat. Visit my site and take action now to enjoy a better life.

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Living With Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma And Fighting Depression

When living with non-Hodgkins lymphoma there are many ups and downs, mentally, physically, and spiritually on the road to surviving cancer. Here are a few of the do's and don'ts that I've learned as time went on during and after my non-Hodgkins lymphoma diagnosis. If they helped me become a cancer survivor, intact, beating the odds, why couldn't they help you? So here they are...

DO make sure you know and understand what your protocol is about while living with cancer, whether it's non-Hodgkins lymphoma, or any other type of cancer, to help maintain a level of control and reduce depression on your road to becoming a cancer survivor.

DON'T assume someone will stay on top of your protocol for you. Even doctors make mistakes from time to time!

DO take medications that are intended to help cure you of cancer EXACTLY when scheduled. Sometimes depression can be medically induced, so be proactive, be on the offensive while battling non-Hodgkins lymphoma.

DON'T be careless when it comes to taking medications intended to aid in your end goal - surviving cancer. Missing a dose and doubling up the next time scheduled, or not taking it at all could take a major toll on your odds of surviving non-Hodgkins lymphoma, or any other cancer for that matter. That's depressing!

DO make sure you stay focused on what is right with your life while living with cancer, even in the midst of the non-Hodgkins diagnosis, and throughout the protocol. Optimism, positive thinking, love, and humor all help to lessen depression, and make all the difference in the world when working toward becoming a cancer survivor.

DON'T dwell on the misery, the unknown, and the "I should have(s)" in life. Actually, all the word "should" does is induce guilt, whether living with non-Hodgkins lymphoma, or otherwise. Moreover, being negative while living with cancer is draining, both physically and mentally. And shutting loved ones out of your life during such a difficult time could be lonely and depressing!

DO make sure you get up in the morning, take a shower, get dressed, and if possible try to get some fresh air to help prevent depression. And remember, beauty comes from the inside out. People who truly care about you do not love you for your hair; they love you for the whole person you are. Cancer, including non-Hodgkins lymphoma, does not have the power to take away true love.

DON'T stay in your pajamas and robe all day. When you look good you feel good. And when you look happy, confident, and optimistic about your life, you look good... not depressed!

DO get busy LIVING when diagnosed with non-Hodgkins lymphoma. Face it head on! Deal with it in the best way you know how, keeping in mind that it's always a good idea to ask for help whenever you feel depressed. Always remember to take another step onward, and with a smile. You CAN THRIVE while living with non-Hodgkins lymphoma, or any other type of cancer. Surround yourself with positive people and positive feelings. By doing so positive energy will come your way. You CAN be happy living with cancer. The choice is yours!

DON'T wait for the non-Hodgkins lymphoma protocol to end before you start living life once again. Do not let a cancer diagnosis or depression keep you from moving forward. Your dreams and goals may have to be reprioritized; nevertheless, keep your eye on your goal - surviving cancer. Don't choose misery over happiness! If you allow misery to take over than there will be many great experiences you might have missed, and remarkable people you could have had the chance to meet. Time doesn't stand still while you're living with cancer, why should you??!! Do not give non-Hodgkins lymphoma the power to keep you from living your life to its fullest!

To read more about me and my story, or take a look at the book I wrote about my experience titled, "The Will to Live: The Perks of Cancer Through the Eyes of a Survivor", a cancer survivor book, please visit my website at http://www.erinley.com/

by Erin Ley, Author/Presenter

By Erin Ley

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Is There Ways To Prevent Breast Cancer?

The best approach is to avoid as many risk factors as possible while increasing protective factors.

Doctors and scientists do not know why one person gets cancer and another one does not. Review the following "proven" risk factors that may increase the chance of getting breast cancer:

Estrogen: Being exposed to estrogen over a long time may increase the risk. This increased exposure occurs in the following ways:

1. Early menstruation: Beginning to have menstrual periods at age 11 or younger increases the number of years the breast tissue is exposed to estrogen.

2. Late menopause: The more years a woman menstruates, the longer her breast tissue is exposed to estrogen.

3. Late pregnancy or never being pregnant: Because estrogen levels are lower during pregnancy, the tissue is exposed to more estrogen in women who become pregnant for the first time after age 35 or who never become pregnant.

Other risk factors include:

1. Hormone replacement therapy/Hormone therapy: Therapies given to women who have had their ovaries removed or who have had a hysterectomy

2. Exposure to Radiation: Radiation to the chest for the treatment of cancers starting 10 years after treatment and lasting for a lifetime. The risk depends on the dose of radiation and the age at which it is given. The risk is highest if radiation treatment was used during puberty. Radiation therapy to treat cancer in one breast does not appear to increase the risk of developing cancer in the other breast.

3. Obesity: Increases the risk in postmenopausal women who have not used hormone replacement therapy.

4. Alcohol: Drinking alcohol increases the risk. Risk rises as the amount of alcohol consumed rises.

5. Inherited risk

Protective factors that may decrease the risk include:

1. Exercise: Exercising four or more hours a week may decrease hormone levels and help lower breast cancer risk. This effect is greatest in premenopausal women of normal or low weight.

2. The risk appears to be lower if a woman has her first full-term pregnancy before she is 20 years old.

3. Breast-feeding: Because estrogen levels are lower during breastfeeding, a woman may decrease her risk.

4. Ovarian ablation: Estrogen is reduced when one or both ovaries are removed and can decrease the risk.

5. Late menstruation: At age 14 or older decreases the chances of breast cancer.

6. Early menopause: The fewer years a woman menstruates, the shorter the time her breast tissue is exposed to estrogen.

7. Tamoxifen: Lowers the risk in women who are at high risk for the disease. The effect last for several years after drug treatment is stopped.

8. Raloxifene: Helps prevent breast cancer in postmenopausal women with osteoporosis.

9. Aromatase inhibitors: Lowers the risk of new breast cancers in postmenopausal women with a history of the disease.

10. Prophylactic mastectomy: Some women with high risk may choose to have both breasts removed when there are no signs of cancer. The risk of is lowered in these women. It is very important to have a cancer risk assessment and counseling about all options for possible prevention before making this decision.

11. Prophylactic oophorectomy: Women who have a high risk may choose to have a prophylactic oophorectomy (removal of both ovaries when there are no signs of disease) to decrease the amount of estrogen made by the body and lower the risk. It is very important to have a cancer risk assessment and counseling before making this decision.

12. Fenretinide: At type of vitamin A called retinoid that may lower the risk when given to premenopausal women who have a history of the disease.

The following have been proven NOT to be risk factors or their effects are not known:

1. Abortion

2. Oral Contraceptives

3. Progestin-only contraceptives that are injected or implanted

4. Environment: Studies have not proven that being exposed to certain substances in the environment such as chemicals, metals, dust and pollution) increases the risk.

5. It is not proven that a diet low in fat or high in fruits and vegetables will prevent breast cancer.

6. It has not been proven that either active cigarette smoking or passive smoking (inhaling secondhand smoke) increases the risk of developing the disease.

There are new studies going on continuously to find more ways to prevent breast cancer. These studies include:

• The effects of exercise

• The effects of quitting smoking or taking certain medicines, vitamins, minerals or food supplements

Source: National Cancer Institute

© 2007 Connie Limon

This article is FREE to publish with the resource box.

Written by: Connie Limon. For more information about Breast Cancer visit us at http://smalldogs2.com/BreastCancerArticles

By Connie Limon

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How To Treat Cancer Naturally

Almost everyone on the planet will know someone who has died from cancer but the cure will come; medical research continues to advance in it's war with this disease that plagues humanity. When you think about the impact that a cure would bring to this global problem it sends a shudder through your spine. The causes for cancer seem to be many but despite all the knowledge we gain, it is still almost impossible to know if or when a person will contract it.

There are theories that we all have it and it just takes something to start it off, but what is cancer? This is a disease where unhealthy cells grow, divide and then expand into other cells, often transferring to parts of the body using a method called metastasis.

The malignant property of cancer differentiates it from benign tumors which limit their growth and do not invade or metastasize. Some benign tumors, however, are capable of becoming malignant. Fortunately, this is a disease which is not as prevalent in the young but as you age the risk of cancer increases; it is responsible for thirteen percent of all deaths around the world. Cancerous cells may have been transformed by radiation or poison for example and this creates genetic abnormality in those cells which then continue to grow and divide.

The cause can also be the responsibility of faulty DNA replication or a genetic trait inherited from parents which means a person can be born with them. It would seem some people are more susceptible to it than others and it may be their genetic makeup and their exposure to certain carcinogens that is responsible.

Research into the cause of cancer continues around the globe and is the disease most frequently studied on a regular basis. More knowledge is being acquired about cancer each year. More information is being gathered about all illnesses and why some people are more prone to certain conditions. Knowledge like this could enable more people avoid contracting cancer in the first place.

Over recent years, concern has been made public over the possibility that our dietary habits may be partly to blame for the incidence of the condition. Foods that could be a problem are Salt, sugar, saturated fat and cholesterol. Recent studies have shown that calcium received from dairy products can be harmful to men and could encourage the onset of prostate cancer.

Cancer does not have any prejudice when it comes to invading a person's body as it can strike anywhere. The problem is that it can also be insidious and a person may have it for some time before it is diagnosed. Cures for many types have advanced in recent years and are more likely to be successful if the cancer is found in its early stages. For those people diagnosed with cancer, my heart goes out to them and their families; however, the constant research is paying off and the life expectancy of cancer victims is increasing all the time.

There is a great resource that I have found that shows methods of treating cancer naturally, you can see it at: http://www.cancer-natural-treatments.info there is a lot of helpful information there.

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Founder of Living Foods Institute Shares Her Healing from Cancer

In this excerpt, Brenda Cobb shares on her amazing healing from breast and cervical cancer.

Raw Food Summit Excerpt with Brenda Cobb, the founder of The Living Foods Institute.

Kevin: Today I have an incredible guest on the line. She is an author and founder of the Living Foods Institute. She also has had an incredible healing journey from breast and cervical cancer, which we're going to talk about today. So, Brenda Cobb, I want to welcome you to the Raw Summit.

Brenda:: Thank you so much, Kevin, I'm real excited to be here.

Kevin: Brenda, you have an incredible story, and I want to get into it, and I want to kind of give a landscape of where you were before you were diagnosed, and then move into what you did.

Brenda:: Well, where I was, was in a very high stress job, I owned my own business, I was in film in television, I had a recording studio, and a production company. And, I was very busy in helping people in promoting their careers, and in producing shows for big events, and that was very stressful.

During that time, yeah, I didn't really eat well, and I ate all kinds of various types of foods that weren't really great for me. And, if I had a headache, I took a Tylenol. And, if my stomach was upset, I took some kind of another type of a pill. And, then in1999, I was diagnosed with both cervical and breast cancer. And so, that woke me up big time. The doctor told me that I needed to have surgery, chemo, and radiation.

I knew that I did not want to. I really felt that I needed to look for a natural way to heal myself. And so, I got on the Organic Raw and Living Foods Lifestyle, and it changed my life. I've started using wheat grass juice, and energy soup, and other really healing foods, and the cancer went away, but other problems I had had, arthritis, acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn.

I had taken Pepcid AC, Tums, Rolaids, all of those types of products to try to help myself, and that didn't really work, it just made me worse, not really better.

But, you know what? When I got on this program to heal cancer, all those other symptoms went away. So, I never had any more migraine headaches. Arthritis went away, I lost weight, my energy increased, my skin improved, I felt better, I wasn't as depressed, I felt happier, and everything really changed dramatically. That's when I realized that my mission in life was going to be to help other people, and teach it, and tell other people about it because I felt like if it helped me, it could help other people.

And, it's still thrilling. I mean today to just watch how much health can be improved on this program. And, I don't care how sick people are Kevin. I have gotten people in my center that everyone else has given up on completely, and they've told them that they have a terminal, hopeless situation, and yet when these people are willing to change what they're doing and their mental thinking, and some of their lifestyle habits, we see that the body is miraculous, and it can bounce back from most anything.

Kevin: How did you get turned on after you got out of the doctor's office, how did you get turned onto the natural way of helping yourself?

Brenda:: Well, I went to the health food store as soon as I left the doctor and I asked them if they knew of any books I could read, or anyone who had ever healed in a natural way. And, they pointed me to a little book that a woman had written that said How I Conquered Cancer Naturally, and her name was Eydie Mae . And I bought the only copy of that book that they had on the shelf. And, it was all about how she had used Dr. Ann Wigmore's method for raw and living foods with wheat grass, and energy soup, and Rejuvelac, and veggie crowding, and colon cleansing. And, how she had a very serious challenge with cancer and that, she didn't think that there was any other place for her to turn. It kept getting worse and worse, and coming back after treatment. And, when she heard about this program and got on it - it healed her.

When I read that book I had cold chills all over my body. I thought you know something, if it can work for her, it can work for me. Why not? What do I have to lose? At least I need to try this. So, I really had faith and belief in it. You know how it is sometimes that you read something or you hear something and immediately it resonates with you. It's like you already know this at some level. It's in there and it was just kind of waiting to be remembered and that's how I felt about it. I started reading enough, Wow,this just makes sense if I clean my body out, if I start giving it optimum nutrition, if I don't cook my food, because of course I never knew that when you cook you killed it. I learned that by cooking it I was killing the enzymes and compromising the vitamins and the minerals. And, that if I would start putting in really good organic nutrition that my body would do what it was created to do. It would heal itself.

So, I use Eydie Mae's example, and then I started reading other books that Ann Wigmore had written. And, I started reading testimonies from people who had done her program before and everybody seems so positive. And, there were so many stories that really seem miraculous. I mean of people recovering from all kinds of diseases that I became more and more encouraged. And then the more I did it, the more I was able to see for myself that it really did work.

Kevin: And so you believe after you read that book. You believed right away?

Brenda:: I did. I've really had total faith and belief. In fact, it was a good thing because well- meaning friends and family who loved me a lot really thought I was crazy, and they felt that I should what the doctor said. And that I should do the surgery and the chemo, and the radiation. Of course, I asked some of those well-meaning people, "Well, why would I?" Because, it didn't work for, one of my aunts or maybe one of your sisters. You know, because of my aunts would be talking to me about it or other loved ones. I say, "You know it didn't work for them. I don't see why it should work for me. I'm going to try something different." Now, those same people who then thought I was crazy, they think I'm a genius now. I did it, you know when they thought I'd lost my mind but now they have seen that it really does work.

And, I'm glad I had that total faith and belief because it's tough when a lot of people around you are thinking you're ought to do one thing and you're knowing that you should be doing something else. You have to a hell lot of courage, you know to do that. And, I just kept saying, "You know I know God is leading me in this way and I'm going to do what I know I need do and I'm not going to worry about what other people think because it's my life and I'm going to be responsible, and be self sufficient." And, you know what if it doesn't work I take full responsibility but what is it does? And, I believe it will, and I believed to this day that mental attitude and, faith and belief in a program - what ever that program maybe. I think that's 99% of it.

Kevin: Um hum.

Brenda:: If you do something and you don't believe it's going to work - if already you're sabotaging yourself I'm saying, "I don't why I'm doing this. I'm sure it's not going to help me." Then the truth is it's not going to help you. I believe that you do get what you expect, and what you really visualize, and feel and think it's going to happen for you. I think that you get more of those positive results and thinking that way.

Kevin: When did you know that this was working?

Brenda:: Immediately really although my first my first few days on it, I tell you I was really detoxing pretty strong.

Kevin: Sure.

Brenda:: And, because I have been a coffee drinker. So, I had a lot of caffeine and that started coming out and I had a headache that I thought every time my heart beat, I thought my head was going to burst wide open.

And, that lasted for about a 24 hours but it gradually begin to get better, and after a couple of days I would just have a little intermediate headache here and there. And, by about the third or fourth day I never had a headache again, and then I was nauseated because again toxins were coming out, and I thought that probably was the worst and maybe the first and the second day. And by the third day I began to feel like I was coming a little bit back to life. By about the fifth or the sixth day, I was really beginning to get encouraged because I was feeling better. Weight was beginning to melt tough because I weighed almost 200 pounds when I was diagnosed.

Kevin: Wow.

Brenda:: And so the weight was melting away and then I began having more clarity. I was having a lot of heavy bleeding from the cervical tumors and that began to subside and actually in 30 days of being on the program that completely stopped.

Kevin: Wow.

Brenda:: So that was an immediate, I'm like "Wow!" something is working.

Kevin: 30 Days?

Brenda:: Yes, in 30 days. Now in my... as far as my breast tumor I could feel it going down and decreasing. After my first 30 days it felt like to me just from touching that it was about half the size. And of course I continue to decrease until it got to the point within about the third or fourth month I was not able to detect it there at all. You know, it was in about seven or eight days I never had acid reflux or heart burn or indigestion again.

And now that actually was more empowering to me than in anything else because I had it so bad that I could not lie down flat to sleep. I had to prop up with pillows and that was miserable. I mean, I never slept well at night because I had that burning sensation.

When that went away I felt like, "Wow!" this health program was worth it If nothing else got better because that one thing gave me better quality of life. The more that I ate this good nutritious food and the less junk I ate, you know I stopped eating meat and dairy and sugar and all that stuff. That impacted my sleep and just my well being so I felt better and had more energy and when you have more energy everything is better.

Kevin Gianni is an internationally known health advocate, author, and film consultant. He has helped thousands and thousands of people in over 21 countries though online health teleseminars on living and raw food and abundance, optimum health and longevity. He is also the creator and co-author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution"

By Kevin Gianni

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What to do Before You Have Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast cancer is a major health concern and you need to know if you have breast cancer symptoms or signs. Women including men have breast cancer as I wrote in my last newsletter. According to the recent survey worldwide, breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer after lung cancer and the fifth most common cause of cancer death in the world.

Breast cancer is by far the most common cancer among women. The number of cases worldwide has significantly increased since the 1970s, a phenomenon partly blamed on the way that we eat and the pollution that exists in the water, air, and food. The other big factor in cancer is the thoughts that we have. Toxins and chemical pollution cause acid and free radicals in our body and so do negative thoughts. It is these acids and free radicals that change your body's pH and that depletes the oxygen in your cells allowing cancer to form freely and to multiple. To protect yourself against cancer, you need to know the signs of breast cancer so you can take action against it right away and to learn good nutritional habits.

Due to the high incidence of breast cancer among older women, screening is now recommended in many countries. Recommended screening methods include breast self-examination and mammogram. This test has been estimated to reduce breast cancer-related mortality by 20-30%. Routine and annual mammography of women older than age 40 or 50 is recommended.

Mammograms do not detect all possible cancer tissue. They can detect micro calcification of calcium, which might indicate the presents of cancer. Calcium can deposit in tissue and this is caused by an acid body. To stay in solution, calcium must have enough sodium in the surrounding liquid. In an alkaline body, there is plenty of sodium to keep calcium in solution, but in an acid body, calcium will precipitate out and form crystals.

Early signs and symptoms of breast cancer are usually not painful. This may be the reason why most women don't know they have breast cancer until after several breast cancer signs and symptoms start to appear. You should see your health care provider, if you notice the following: · Lump in the armpit or above the collarbone that does not go away in two weeks or so. Although most breast lumps are not cancerous, it always best to check them out

· Breast discharge is a common problem and is rarely a symptom of cancer, but if it is from only one breast or if it is bloody, then check with your doctor

· Nipple inversion is a common in normal nipples, but nipple inversion that has developed recently can be of concern

· Changes in the breast skin including redness, changes in texture, and puckering. These changes are usually caused by skin diseases but occasionally can be associated with breast cancer.

Breast cancer is a condition where you lack oxygen in your cells and when you have an acid body. To prevent cancer from forming, you need to learn how to make your body more alkaline. In my new nutrition course, I concentrate on how you can make your body more alkaline. An alkaline body not only stops cancer but also stops and prevents most diseases from forming in your body. Don't wait until you have symptoms of breast cancer or any other disease before you start improving your health habits. Start now learning what good nutrition is and how you can be free from illness.

Rudy Silva is a natural nutritionist that has a nutrition course that will help you prevent, stop, or eliminate illness. To find out more about how you can do this, go to: Using Nutrition to Stop Illness

By Rudy Silva

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