Top Five Tips To Avoid Cancer

Cancer is a reality that can affect any one of us. Sometimes the effect will be direct and we will be diagnosed with a form of cancer ourselves, other times it will be someone we know and love. However it is quite possible to reduce the risk of suffering from cancer. Here are the top five tips.

Tip 1: Educate Yourself

The fact you are reading this indicates that you are already doing this. You need to educate yourself not only about the different types of cancer, but also about the methods of early detection that can alert you to a cancerous growth before it has grown or spread too far. The earlier you find cancer, the easier it is to treat and the more likely the treatment is to be successful.

Tip 2: Protect Yourself In The Sun

Wearing a shirt and hat can save your life. Don't believe me? Skin cancer is between two and three times more likely to result in people who have been sunburnt and blistered. Sunburn hurts at the time, so you want to avoid it for the immediate benefit, but the long term consequences of serious sunburn are even more serious.

Tip 3: Protect Yourself From harmful Chemicals

If during your work you come in contact with harmful chemicals or substances be sure to follow all the safety procedures that your work no doubt has in place. If your work does not have them in place, be sure to get them implemented or change job. It is your right to be safe in your work place. Don't compromise your health.

Tip 4: Use Alcohol in Moderation

Overuse of alcohol can have long lasting serious benefits. Ensure you keep your drinking to moderate levels. Certain alcohols in the correct level have been shown to have a beneficial effect on cancer. The best example is red wine which is shown to be a drink that is good for the heart and cleanses the system with it's strong antioxidant properties.

Tip 5: Stop Smoking

Hopefully I don't even need to explain this one. Most cigarettes are packed with a cocktail of chemicals that are harmful to your system. Worse than this you are risking passing on the same negative effects to those you love. Passive smoking can lead to the same serious health issues that smokers themselves suffer from. Worse than this, pregnant woman need to stop smoking immediately after finding out they are pregnant. The negative effects of tobacco can be passed via the bloodstream to the child.