How To Treat Cancer Naturally

Almost everyone on the planet will know someone who has died from cancer but the cure will come; medical research continues to advance in it's war with this disease that plagues humanity. When you think about the impact that a cure would bring to this global problem it sends a shudder through your spine. The causes for cancer seem to be many but despite all the knowledge we gain, it is still almost impossible to know if or when a person will contract it.

There are theories that we all have it and it just takes something to start it off, but what is cancer? This is a disease where unhealthy cells grow, divide and then expand into other cells, often transferring to parts of the body using a method called metastasis.

The malignant property of cancer differentiates it from benign tumors which limit their growth and do not invade or metastasize. Some benign tumors, however, are capable of becoming malignant. Fortunately, this is a disease which is not as prevalent in the young but as you age the risk of cancer increases; it is responsible for thirteen percent of all deaths around the world. Cancerous cells may have been transformed by radiation or poison for example and this creates genetic abnormality in those cells which then continue to grow and divide.

The cause can also be the responsibility of faulty DNA replication or a genetic trait inherited from parents which means a person can be born with them. It would seem some people are more susceptible to it than others and it may be their genetic makeup and their exposure to certain carcinogens that is responsible.

Research into the cause of cancer continues around the globe and is the disease most frequently studied on a regular basis. More knowledge is being acquired about cancer each year. More information is being gathered about all illnesses and why some people are more prone to certain conditions. Knowledge like this could enable more people avoid contracting cancer in the first place.

Over recent years, concern has been made public over the possibility that our dietary habits may be partly to blame for the incidence of the condition. Foods that could be a problem are Salt, sugar, saturated fat and cholesterol. Recent studies have shown that calcium received from dairy products can be harmful to men and could encourage the onset of prostate cancer.

Cancer does not have any prejudice when it comes to invading a person's body as it can strike anywhere. The problem is that it can also be insidious and a person may have it for some time before it is diagnosed. Cures for many types have advanced in recent years and are more likely to be successful if the cancer is found in its early stages. For those people diagnosed with cancer, my heart goes out to them and their families; however, the constant research is paying off and the life expectancy of cancer victims is increasing all the time.

There is a great resource that I have found that shows methods of treating cancer naturally, you can see it at: there is a lot of helpful information there.

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Founder of Living Foods Institute Shares Her Healing from Cancer

In this excerpt, Brenda Cobb shares on her amazing healing from breast and cervical cancer.

Raw Food Summit Excerpt with Brenda Cobb, the founder of The Living Foods Institute.

Kevin: Today I have an incredible guest on the line. She is an author and founder of the Living Foods Institute. She also has had an incredible healing journey from breast and cervical cancer, which we're going to talk about today. So, Brenda Cobb, I want to welcome you to the Raw Summit.

Brenda:: Thank you so much, Kevin, I'm real excited to be here.

Kevin: Brenda, you have an incredible story, and I want to get into it, and I want to kind of give a landscape of where you were before you were diagnosed, and then move into what you did.

Brenda:: Well, where I was, was in a very high stress job, I owned my own business, I was in film in television, I had a recording studio, and a production company. And, I was very busy in helping people in promoting their careers, and in producing shows for big events, and that was very stressful.

During that time, yeah, I didn't really eat well, and I ate all kinds of various types of foods that weren't really great for me. And, if I had a headache, I took a Tylenol. And, if my stomach was upset, I took some kind of another type of a pill. And, then in1999, I was diagnosed with both cervical and breast cancer. And so, that woke me up big time. The doctor told me that I needed to have surgery, chemo, and radiation.

I knew that I did not want to. I really felt that I needed to look for a natural way to heal myself. And so, I got on the Organic Raw and Living Foods Lifestyle, and it changed my life. I've started using wheat grass juice, and energy soup, and other really healing foods, and the cancer went away, but other problems I had had, arthritis, acid reflux, indigestion, heartburn.

I had taken Pepcid AC, Tums, Rolaids, all of those types of products to try to help myself, and that didn't really work, it just made me worse, not really better.

But, you know what? When I got on this program to heal cancer, all those other symptoms went away. So, I never had any more migraine headaches. Arthritis went away, I lost weight, my energy increased, my skin improved, I felt better, I wasn't as depressed, I felt happier, and everything really changed dramatically. That's when I realized that my mission in life was going to be to help other people, and teach it, and tell other people about it because I felt like if it helped me, it could help other people.

And, it's still thrilling. I mean today to just watch how much health can be improved on this program. And, I don't care how sick people are Kevin. I have gotten people in my center that everyone else has given up on completely, and they've told them that they have a terminal, hopeless situation, and yet when these people are willing to change what they're doing and their mental thinking, and some of their lifestyle habits, we see that the body is miraculous, and it can bounce back from most anything.

Kevin: How did you get turned on after you got out of the doctor's office, how did you get turned onto the natural way of helping yourself?

Brenda:: Well, I went to the health food store as soon as I left the doctor and I asked them if they knew of any books I could read, or anyone who had ever healed in a natural way. And, they pointed me to a little book that a woman had written that said How I Conquered Cancer Naturally, and her name was Eydie Mae . And I bought the only copy of that book that they had on the shelf. And, it was all about how she had used Dr. Ann Wigmore's method for raw and living foods with wheat grass, and energy soup, and Rejuvelac, and veggie crowding, and colon cleansing. And, how she had a very serious challenge with cancer and that, she didn't think that there was any other place for her to turn. It kept getting worse and worse, and coming back after treatment. And, when she heard about this program and got on it - it healed her.

When I read that book I had cold chills all over my body. I thought you know something, if it can work for her, it can work for me. Why not? What do I have to lose? At least I need to try this. So, I really had faith and belief in it. You know how it is sometimes that you read something or you hear something and immediately it resonates with you. It's like you already know this at some level. It's in there and it was just kind of waiting to be remembered and that's how I felt about it. I started reading enough, Wow,this just makes sense if I clean my body out, if I start giving it optimum nutrition, if I don't cook my food, because of course I never knew that when you cook you killed it. I learned that by cooking it I was killing the enzymes and compromising the vitamins and the minerals. And, that if I would start putting in really good organic nutrition that my body would do what it was created to do. It would heal itself.

So, I use Eydie Mae's example, and then I started reading other books that Ann Wigmore had written. And, I started reading testimonies from people who had done her program before and everybody seems so positive. And, there were so many stories that really seem miraculous. I mean of people recovering from all kinds of diseases that I became more and more encouraged. And then the more I did it, the more I was able to see for myself that it really did work.

Kevin: And so you believe after you read that book. You believed right away?

Brenda:: I did. I've really had total faith and belief. In fact, it was a good thing because well- meaning friends and family who loved me a lot really thought I was crazy, and they felt that I should what the doctor said. And that I should do the surgery and the chemo, and the radiation. Of course, I asked some of those well-meaning people, "Well, why would I?" Because, it didn't work for, one of my aunts or maybe one of your sisters. You know, because of my aunts would be talking to me about it or other loved ones. I say, "You know it didn't work for them. I don't see why it should work for me. I'm going to try something different." Now, those same people who then thought I was crazy, they think I'm a genius now. I did it, you know when they thought I'd lost my mind but now they have seen that it really does work.

And, I'm glad I had that total faith and belief because it's tough when a lot of people around you are thinking you're ought to do one thing and you're knowing that you should be doing something else. You have to a hell lot of courage, you know to do that. And, I just kept saying, "You know I know God is leading me in this way and I'm going to do what I know I need do and I'm not going to worry about what other people think because it's my life and I'm going to be responsible, and be self sufficient." And, you know what if it doesn't work I take full responsibility but what is it does? And, I believe it will, and I believed to this day that mental attitude and, faith and belief in a program - what ever that program maybe. I think that's 99% of it.

Kevin: Um hum.

Brenda:: If you do something and you don't believe it's going to work - if already you're sabotaging yourself I'm saying, "I don't why I'm doing this. I'm sure it's not going to help me." Then the truth is it's not going to help you. I believe that you do get what you expect, and what you really visualize, and feel and think it's going to happen for you. I think that you get more of those positive results and thinking that way.

Kevin: When did you know that this was working?

Brenda:: Immediately really although my first my first few days on it, I tell you I was really detoxing pretty strong.

Kevin: Sure.

Brenda:: And, because I have been a coffee drinker. So, I had a lot of caffeine and that started coming out and I had a headache that I thought every time my heart beat, I thought my head was going to burst wide open.

And, that lasted for about a 24 hours but it gradually begin to get better, and after a couple of days I would just have a little intermediate headache here and there. And, by about the third or fourth day I never had a headache again, and then I was nauseated because again toxins were coming out, and I thought that probably was the worst and maybe the first and the second day. And by the third day I began to feel like I was coming a little bit back to life. By about the fifth or the sixth day, I was really beginning to get encouraged because I was feeling better. Weight was beginning to melt tough because I weighed almost 200 pounds when I was diagnosed.

Kevin: Wow.

Brenda:: And so the weight was melting away and then I began having more clarity. I was having a lot of heavy bleeding from the cervical tumors and that began to subside and actually in 30 days of being on the program that completely stopped.

Kevin: Wow.

Brenda:: So that was an immediate, I'm like "Wow!" something is working.

Kevin: 30 Days?

Brenda:: Yes, in 30 days. Now in my... as far as my breast tumor I could feel it going down and decreasing. After my first 30 days it felt like to me just from touching that it was about half the size. And of course I continue to decrease until it got to the point within about the third or fourth month I was not able to detect it there at all. You know, it was in about seven or eight days I never had acid reflux or heart burn or indigestion again.

And now that actually was more empowering to me than in anything else because I had it so bad that I could not lie down flat to sleep. I had to prop up with pillows and that was miserable. I mean, I never slept well at night because I had that burning sensation.

When that went away I felt like, "Wow!" this health program was worth it If nothing else got better because that one thing gave me better quality of life. The more that I ate this good nutritious food and the less junk I ate, you know I stopped eating meat and dairy and sugar and all that stuff. That impacted my sleep and just my well being so I felt better and had more energy and when you have more energy everything is better.

Kevin Gianni is an internationally known health advocate, author, and film consultant. He has helped thousands and thousands of people in over 21 countries though online health teleseminars on living and raw food and abundance, optimum health and longevity. He is also the creator and co-author of "The Busy Person's Fitness Solution"

By Kevin Gianni

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What to do Before You Have Breast Cancer Symptoms

Breast cancer is a major health concern and you need to know if you have breast cancer symptoms or signs. Women including men have breast cancer as I wrote in my last newsletter. According to the recent survey worldwide, breast cancer is the second most common type of cancer after lung cancer and the fifth most common cause of cancer death in the world.

Breast cancer is by far the most common cancer among women. The number of cases worldwide has significantly increased since the 1970s, a phenomenon partly blamed on the way that we eat and the pollution that exists in the water, air, and food. The other big factor in cancer is the thoughts that we have. Toxins and chemical pollution cause acid and free radicals in our body and so do negative thoughts. It is these acids and free radicals that change your body's pH and that depletes the oxygen in your cells allowing cancer to form freely and to multiple. To protect yourself against cancer, you need to know the signs of breast cancer so you can take action against it right away and to learn good nutritional habits.

Due to the high incidence of breast cancer among older women, screening is now recommended in many countries. Recommended screening methods include breast self-examination and mammogram. This test has been estimated to reduce breast cancer-related mortality by 20-30%. Routine and annual mammography of women older than age 40 or 50 is recommended.

Mammograms do not detect all possible cancer tissue. They can detect micro calcification of calcium, which might indicate the presents of cancer. Calcium can deposit in tissue and this is caused by an acid body. To stay in solution, calcium must have enough sodium in the surrounding liquid. In an alkaline body, there is plenty of sodium to keep calcium in solution, but in an acid body, calcium will precipitate out and form crystals.

Early signs and symptoms of breast cancer are usually not painful. This may be the reason why most women don't know they have breast cancer until after several breast cancer signs and symptoms start to appear. You should see your health care provider, if you notice the following: · Lump in the armpit or above the collarbone that does not go away in two weeks or so. Although most breast lumps are not cancerous, it always best to check them out

· Breast discharge is a common problem and is rarely a symptom of cancer, but if it is from only one breast or if it is bloody, then check with your doctor

· Nipple inversion is a common in normal nipples, but nipple inversion that has developed recently can be of concern

· Changes in the breast skin including redness, changes in texture, and puckering. These changes are usually caused by skin diseases but occasionally can be associated with breast cancer.

Breast cancer is a condition where you lack oxygen in your cells and when you have an acid body. To prevent cancer from forming, you need to learn how to make your body more alkaline. In my new nutrition course, I concentrate on how you can make your body more alkaline. An alkaline body not only stops cancer but also stops and prevents most diseases from forming in your body. Don't wait until you have symptoms of breast cancer or any other disease before you start improving your health habits. Start now learning what good nutrition is and how you can be free from illness.

Rudy Silva is a natural nutritionist that has a nutrition course that will help you prevent, stop, or eliminate illness. To find out more about how you can do this, go to: Using Nutrition to Stop Illness

By Rudy Silva

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Skin Cancer Photos Serve As An Early Detection Tool

Detecting skin cancer in its earliest stages not only significantly increases the patient's chance of making a full recovery, it can also save the patient from having to go through aggressive treatments which can have severe side effects. The key to early detection is in finding skin irregularities and recognizing them as possible skin tumors, and promptly having them examined by a doctor. Some background information along with skin cancer photos can help you recognize what symptoms to look for.

Skin cancer is much more likely to be detected within its earliest stages of development if the patient has taken an active part in the process. You need to perform regular skin self-examinations, searching every part of your body for any irregularities with a basic idea of what you need to be looking for. If you find any suspicious growths, you can visit a doctor for professional evaluation.

The symptoms you need to look for vary in cases of melanoma or nonmelanoma skin cancer. You need to be especially attentive to the possibility of developing melanoma if you have certain risk factors, such as a higher than average number of nevi, or moles, or a high number of dysplastic nevi.

Dysplastic nevi are moles with an unusual appearance. They may be asymmetrical or particularly large. If you have any of these risk factors, you may want to ask a doctor for help in watching for an increase in the number of moles you have or any changes in their condition. After an initial evaluation, you may want to check regularly with a doctor. Even if you don't have an unusually high number of moles or dysplastic nevi, you should still watch for new moles or changes in existing moles when you do your skin examination.

New dysplastic nevi should be seen by a doctor. If an existing mole changes in size, shape, or color, or if irritation or any color change occurs in the bordering skin, you should consult a doctor.

Moles are usually benign growths and most people have between 10 and 40 of them. They are formed of the same melanocyte cells which can turn into skin cancer, so moles do need to be watched carefully for any changes.

Nonmelanoma skin cancer generally affects the basal or squamous cells which make up the epidermis. These types of skin cancer can be less striking in appearance than melanoma, and are less severe, but early detection is still extremely important. While nonmelanoma skin cancer is most common on the face and other parts of the body which are exposed to sunlight, the entire body should be checked for symptoms.

Symptoms may appear as small lumps, which may be red or flesh-toned, or as sores or rashes which do not heal on their own. Any sores or rashes found during a skin examination should be watched carefully to see if they're healing, and if they aren't, this means a doctor should be consulted.

Skin cancer photos can be a useful aid in helping you determine what skin irregularities warrant a visit to a doctor, but should not be used as an exclusive guide for self-diagnosis. Do regular self-examinations, use the information provided in addition to photos, and see a doctor for any irregularity that you can't identify, because even if it isn't skin cancer, it may require medical attention.

To learn much more on how important analyzing skin cancer photos is, visit where you'll find this and much more, including information on skin cancer on nose.

By Adam Hefner

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What You Can Do To Reduce The Risk Of Melanoma

Melanoma is the deadliest of all skin cancers, perhaps more so for people of darker skinned races simply because the disease is harder to detect. The disease starts from mutated cells in your skin, generally collectively within a large mole. The disease can be very frightening for anyone who is infected, however with certain preventative measures you should never have to worry about developing the disease yourself.

There are three basic things to remember so that you do not put yourself at risk for melanoma: keep yourself out of the sun, examine your skin closely every month for outbreaks, and go in for a specialist check up every year. Essentially, if you do all these things you should be safe when it comes to skin cancer. It is important, however, that you do perform regular skin checks to be certain that all is well with the health of your skin.

Staying out of the sun is the most important thing you can do when trying to keep yourself safe from skin cancer and melanoma. UV rays from the sun damage your skin cells and can seriously increase your risk of developing cancer later in life. In fact, if you have had more than five sunburns in your life so far, your chances of developing skin cancer are doubled. It is greatly important that you not take the risk involved with suntanning! Sun beds are no better for you, either, so do not be fooled into thinking that you can achieve a nice suntan that way and still keep safe from the risks of cancer.

If you are really concerned about getting that bronze tan, perhaps you should strongly consider bronzing lotions or spray on fake tans. These may not sound particularly romantic, but they are necessary if you want to preserve the health of your skin and prolong your life, you need to stop sunbathing! Unfortunately, there is a strong part of our culture (and an ever growing one, at that) that states we all need a tan to look healthy. Where this came from is debatable, but the fact remains that this look, fashionable or not, can come at a very high price. If you do not want to risk contracting melanoma or another form of skin cancer, then by no means succumb to the pressure of the tan and cover your skin up! Long-sleeved clothing and sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher is the best defence if you do need to be outside.

Simply put, you do not want to contract melanoma. The disease has a decent survival rate, but that is not the point. Once you have developed melanoma once, the chances of the disease recurring are greatly increased. It is certainly best to steer well clear of the disease to begin with, and doing so is relatively simple. Even if you do stay out of the sun for the most part, it is important that you also give yourself a full monthly skin check to make sure that everything is all right. Ask your doctor or dermatologist how to properly check your skin for the early signs of melanoma so that you know what to look for. Keep in mind that if you have a lot of moles, fair skin and fair hair, that you are statistically more likely to develop the disease.

Use your own common sense, and remember how dangerous fashion can be. With all the tanning alternatives available now, there is no good reason to be out in the sun without some serious protection. Be vigilant, and be safe!

Get more facial treatments and facts at Natural Elements. Spend time learning about toxins in your body and as well as this take the time to learn about caring for oily skin also.

By Louise Forrest

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Radiotherapy In Breast Cancer - The Need For Newer Technologies

The primary intention of cancer treatment is to achieve cure and improve survival. Another equally important intention gaining importance in recent years is to conserve the structural and functional aspects of the organ with cancer. Radiotherapy has an important role in breast cancer as it helps in the attainment of both these objectives of cancer treatment.

Does radiotherapy improve survival?

Treatment of breast cancer has been an evolving process over the years. In the early years, it was considered that only super-major surgery would be able to cure the disease. In those days, extensive surgical removal of the breast and surrounding areas was considered to be the standard of breast cancer care. However it was noticed that despite such extensive resection, three out of four patients with positive axillary nodal involvement and almost nine of ten patients with four or more involved nodes became treatment failures. The addition of local radiotherapy in those days managed to decrease the local recurrence of disease but did not show any impact on increasing survival.

Improvement in survival was attained by addition of systemic chemotherapy into the management protocol of breast cancer.

Oncologists were faced with a puzzling question: HOW COULD RADIOTHERAPY IMPROVE LOCAL CONTROL AND YET NOT IMPACT SURVIVAL IN BREAST CANCER PATIENTS? The answer was given in an elegant analysis by The Early Breast Cancer Trialists' Collaborative Group (EBCTCG) - the Authority in breast cancer research worldwide. The EBCTCG performed an extensive meta analysis using the raw data from every randomized prospective trial investigating post mastectomy radiation. These data included over 15,000 women. It was seen that Radiotherapy regimens were able to produce two-thirds reduction in local recurrence and also reduced annual mortality rates from breast cancer by 13.2%. But an increase in non breast cancer deaths was noticed in this analysis. This meant that the advantage being gained by radiotherapy was being offset due to complications of radiotherapy. The major cause of non breast cancer deaths was found to be heart disease meaning that radiation being delivered inadvertently to the heart was causing an increased incidence of heart disease. An important additional observation noted by this group warrants consideration - the increase in non-breast cancer deaths was noted primarily in patients for whom older radiotherapy techniques and equipment had been used without a clear distinction of treatment volume and organs at risk like the heart, lungs and the opposite breast.

Modern radiation treatments might be associated with less cardiovascular morbidity and mortality than earlier radiation techniques. Currently, a large number of centers utilize computed tomography (CT) treatment planning and shape radiation dose using 3-dimensional conformal radiotherapy and IMRT to avoid treating the underlying heart. Furthermore, integration of electron beam therapy into breast cancer radiotherapy protocols has allowed safe delivery of higher radiation doses to patients. Indeed,in a re-analysis of EBCTCG data By Dr Van de Steene's group, it was found that post-operative radiation improved breast cancer specific as well as overall survival up to 12.4% provided modern Radiotherapy equipment and techniques were used.

Breast conservation: Importance of Radiotherapy

Another area of active development in breast cancer is the establishment of breast conservation as the standard of care in early breast cancer. The National Institutes of Health (NIH) Consensus Development Conference on the treatment of patients with early stage invasive breast carcinoma, held in June 1990, recommended breast conservation therapy for the majority of women with Stage I or II breast carcinoma. The following issues were highlighted in the conference:

· Local Control: Local control is a major goal of breast conservation treatment. The incidence of local recurrence is low in appropriately selected patients receiving optimal breast conservation treatment.

· Cosmetic Result: A goal of primary breast cancer treatment is to produce the best cosmetic result consistent with achievement of local/regional control. Optimal long-term cosmetic outcome requires integration of careful surgical excision and precise radiotherapy techniques.

· Psychosocial Factors: Women need to be educated about treatment choices in order to make an informed decision in consultation with their physicians. A variety of factors have a major influence on the choice of primary therapy. These include logistic and emotional considerations, personal financial issues, and proximity and access to appropriate medical care

· Radiation Therapy: The conference laid out Radiation Therapy Recommendations after breast conservation surgery. It was suggested that Mega voltage radiation therapy to the whole breast to a dose of 4,500 to 5,000 cGy (180 to 200 cGy per fraction) should be routinely used. Treatment planning should be done to minimize radiation exposure to lung and heart and to achieve uniform dosage to the treatment volume. Boost irradiation should be delivered by electron beam or implantation to doses of 1,000 to 1,500 cGy.

As is evident, the availability of proper radiotherapy facilities is considered as an essential prerequisite for breast conservation as providing adequate doses of radiation becomes necessary to prevent disease recurrence in the conserved breast. The use of modern techniques is essential to provide additional dose to the lumpectomy cavity which is left behind after surgical excision of tumor from the breast without overdosing critical structures like heart and lung. Image guided localization of the cavity is a must. This is done using CT scans. The boost is delivered either using electron beam therapy, 3-D Conformal Radiotherapy,Intensity Modulated Radiotherapy, Interstitial brachytherapy, or Intra-Operative radiotherapy. All these techniques underline the importance of modern techniques and equipment like Linear Accelerators with Multi-leaf collimators, Treatment Planning systems, Interstitial brachytherapy facilities and so on.

The future:

Recent developments in the field of Radiation Oncology like Image guided Radiotherapy with respiratory gating, 4-D Radiotherapy and Dynamic adaptive Radiotherapy have shown a lot of promise in further improving outcomes. Modern methods of IMRT delivery like Helical tomothetrapy have helped in achievement of near-impossible dose gradients. PET Guided target localization is another exciting area of research. Innovations like Mammosite have fueled active research into the indications and techniques of interstitial brachytherapy in breast cancer.

Another approach towards treatment of breast cancer has been Accelerated Partial breast Irradiation (APBI). Though not routinely recommended, it is gradually gaining acceptance worldwide for treatment in a defined subset of patients, although a lot of research would be needed to establish it as a standard of care.

In conclusion, Modern Radiotherapy is an essential component in the multi modality management of breast cancer as it not only supplements the treatment outcomes but also complements organ conservation and hence impacts the quality of life of patients with breast cancer.

By Dr Amitabh Ray

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Oral Cancer - Causes and Symptoms

Worldwide, there are 350,000 to 400,000 new cases of oral cancer diagnosed each year. Even with today's medical and dental advances, this number hasn't improved significantly in years. Oral cancer is particularly dangerous for two reasons: 1) it is routinely discovered late in its development and 2) oral cancer patients have a 20 times higher risk of developing a second cancer even five to ten years after the first diagnosis.

Doctors can't explain why one person gets oral cancer and another doesn't, even when they have the same risk factors. The known risk factors include:

  • Smoking and Tobacco Use - At least 75% of those diagnosed with oral cancer are tobacco users, including the so-called 'smokeless' tobacco.
  • Alcohol - Heavy use of alcoholic beverages increases the risk of oral cancer.
  • Smoking and Alcohol Use Combined - Those who smoke and drink heavily are 15 times more likely to develop oral cancer.
  • Sunlight - Prolonged exposure to sunlight is a causative factor in lip and skin cancers.
  • Diet - Studies have shown that a diet low in fruits and vegetables may put you more at risk for oral cancer, and other studies indicate that a diet high in fruits and vegetables may protect against many types of cancer.

The symptoms of oral cancer can be painless or mimic the appearance of other, non-dangerous oral symptoms. For instance, a cancer lesion can look much like a common canker sore. Because the dangerous tissue changes of oral cancer can look and feel like the benign tissue changes that occur normally, it's important to have regular dental check-ups. Your dentist can see or feel many changes in your mouth that may not even be noticeable to you. Some symptoms that should trigger an alarm and a dental visit include:

  • A color change in the mouth, including white, red, smooth, or discolored patches
  • Ulcer or sore on lips or gums that doesn't heal
  • Rough, crusty or eroded spot that doesn't heal
  • A lump, mass, thickening inside the mouth or neck
  • Bleeding in the mouth (Healthy gums don't bleed! This can also be a sign of gum disease.)
  • Loose teeth
  • Pain or difficulty in swallowing, speaking or chewing
  • Pain or difficulty moving the jaws
  • Wart like masses
  • Hoarseness that doesn't go away
  • Numbness in the oral/facial region
  • Change in the way teeth fit together
  • Difficulty wearing dentures
  • Earache
  • Any oral change or soreness that doesn't go away or heal within two weeks

While an infection, gum disease, and many other problems and conditions can cause these same reactions, it's still very important that you see your dentist right away if you experience any of them. If your dentist or doctor decides that an area is suspicious, s/he can perform a biopsy of the area. A biopsy isn't painful or time-consuming and is inexpensive. In the case of oral cancer, a quick, early diagnosis can mean the difference between life and death.

© 2007 by Avis Ward of AWard Consulting, LLC

Avis E. Ward is an Inspirational Speaker, Certified Seminar Leader and Action Coach. Avis is also a Dental Marketing Consultant specializing in Orthodontics. Avis invites you to view her blog. or Avis Ward

By Avis Ward

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Hair Loss: Women May Also Experience It

Hair loss in women at a regular daily rate is considered a normal pattern, but if you'd take a closer look at it, it should not be something you should shrug off nonchalantly. Hair loss is serious problem and, like all problems, there are several tested solutions to hair loss, women too ought to know. Being aware of the type and cause of hair loss is the efficient road to getting the proper treatment for it.

There are four more prominent types of hair loss: androgenetic alopecia, traction alopecia, alopecia areata and telogen effluvium. Also referred to as women who suffer from "pattern hair loss," women who experience androgenetic alopecia are perhaps the most numerous. This condition belies a tendency to produce very little volume or an abundant volume of the weak type of androgens in her body, which often causes the hair to thin in a specific area of a woman's scalp. It is characterized by excessive thinning of scalp hair at the onset while retaining a thick hair density on the front and side crown of the head. Hair does not shed; more often, thinning just occurs in the middle area of the scalp and this worsens through the years. There are solutions to this hair loss problem in women, and hair transplant or laser treatment are, by far, the most popular ones.

Traction alopecia, on the other hand, is caused by the woman's choice of wearing her hair pulled back in tight ponytail, pigtail or bun. This is, therefore, controllable by merely changing the hair style to something that is looser but equally fashionable and trendy. If she wears her hair loose, and she gives her scalp the gentle massage by brushing it in the manner prescribed in the proverbial "hundred strokes at night" with a blunt-tipped hairbrush, her thinning hair will stop shedding and go back to its normal luxurious growth.

Alopecia areata is characterized by round patches of balding spots on random areas of the scalp, surrounded by an otherwise thick growth of hair. This occurs when the body system fails to recognize the hair follicles in those areas and attacks these with inflammatory cells, causing the hair in those patches to fall off. Since women with alopecia areata are not sick at all, the body system does not find any necessity to produce compromising immune system for these attacks. Topical ointments and injectable steroidal solutions to reduce inflammation and synthesize the scalp are very effective solution to this particular problem; when applied regularly over a specific period of time, these applications send electric signals to the immune system to trigger it to allow hair to grow back in those bald patches.

Telogen effluvium is shedding of hair at the stage when it is already fully developed. This is not genetic in nature of origin; this occurs when there is massive thyroid imbalance caused by a lot of factors, including chronic illnesses like cancer, diseased liver, common physical and emotional stress. This type of falling hair could also occur as a side effect of drastic treatments to combat the aforesaid chronic diseases, like chemotherapy, cobalt radiation, oral contraceptives, heart pills and other medications intended to correct the thyroidal imbalance. For solutions to this type of hair loss, women need to find the cause of its occurrence. Other topical or injectable steroidal treatment are very seldom necessary - when the diseased organs are properly addressed and eventually treated, the hair grows back as effusively as before, sometimes even more luxuriously. provides you with info on hair loss solutions and much more, come take a look at

By Trevor Mulholland

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Leukemia 101

Luekemia is a cancer (malignant disease) of the blood or 'bone marrow', (soft tissue found in the hollow interior of the bone.) It is characterized by the uncontrolled accretion of blood cells, usually white blood cells. The word Luekemia means "white blood", which was derived by luekemia patients' high white blood count. An excessive amount of cells can interfere with other cells which causes a very harmful imbalance of blood count. There are four different categories of luekemia:

* Acute Lymphocytic Luekemia (ALL): This type of Luekemia is a rapidly progressing disease that is the most common type of Luekemia for children. However it does occur in adults, especially those over 65 years of age.

* Chronic Lymphocytic Luekemia (CLL): This type of luekemia (chronic) progresses more slowly than acute and most commonly affect those over 55 years of age. Once in a while will occur in a young adult but very rarely occurs in a child.

* Acute Myelogenous Luekemia (AML): More common to occur in an adult than a child.

* Chronic Myelogenous Luekemia (CML): Occurs mainly in adults and sometimes in children.

Some Statistics to Think About:

* To this day 218,659 people are living with luekemia in the United States.

* Luekemia affects about nine in 100,000 people each year.

* It is expected that 21,790 deaths in the United States are caused by Luekemia.

* Once diagnosed with luekemia, the five year survival rate is 42 percent.

* The estimated numbers of deaths caused by Luekemia in the US are about 30 percent higher for males than females.

* Adults are 10 times more likely to be diagnosed with luekemia than children, especially the elderly.

* About 515 children under the age of 14 are expected to die from Luekemia.

* Children under the age of 4 have a greater chance of developing luekemia than older children.


Damage to the bone marrow will lead to a deficiency level of blood platelets which is important for blood clotting. This means people with luekemia may have problems with bruising, bleeding excessively, and petechiae. Petechiae is a small red or purple spot on the body caused by a minor hemorrhage. Other common symptoms for those who have Luekemia are:

* Weak immune system

* Anemia

* Fever, chills, and night sweats (flu like).

* Easily fatigued and weak.

* Swollen and bleeding gums.

* Frequent infection

* Bone and joint pain

* Dizziness

* Swollen tonsils

To find out more about the treatment process for leukemia, check out my informative site.

By Jennifer Newton

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3 Terrible Ovarian Cancer Symptoms

Ovarian cancer has a very dismal prognosis. However, if you are able to recognize the top 3 terrible ovarian cancer symptoms early on, you might have a better chance of surviving. But don't get completely mislead, as the top 3 terrible ovarian cancer symptoms are not necessarily 'terrible'. Yes, they denote that you have a horrifying disease, but in and of themselves they are not much worse than symptoms associated with less serious diseases. Yet, they definitely should not be overlooked, especially if they persist over a long period of time. This article will discuss the top 3 terrible ovarian cancer symptoms including: abdominal problems, incontinence and dyspareunia.

The first symptom of the top 3 ovarian cancer symptoms we are going to talk about involves problems within the abdominal region. This usually starts off with abdominal swelling. The swelling gets so bad that a woman may have trouble zipping up her jeans. She may think the underlying issue is weight gain, but many times it isn't, especially if the woman has been eating normally. Additionally, a woman may have digestive problems to accompany her swollen belly. These digestive problems could include nausea, indigestion or abnormal bowel habits.

The next symptom on the list is incontinence. This is when a woman is not able to urinate normally. She may have the psychological urge to urinate too much, even if she can't do so physically. She may also leak urine. Granted, a urinary tract infection could also cause incontinence, but a woman won't know for sure unless she goes to the doctor. If the incontinence is caused by a urinary tract infection, the problem should clear up after the woman is given antibiotics. If it isn't, and age isn't a factor, she could definitely have ovarian cancer.

The final symptom we are going to talk about is dyspareunia. What is dyspareunia? In layman's terms it is defined as painful sexual intercourse. This is one of the few early symptoms of ovarian cancer that actually affects the reproductive region. However, some women have painful intercourse and are healthy. They may attribute their sexual dysfunction due to not being in the mood, or maybe not being lubricated enough. Yet, if the problem occurs over time and a woman has experienced the other symptoms featured in this article, she should get herself checked out.

In conclusion, the 3 main ovarian cancer symptoms are: abdominal problems, incontinence and dyspareunia. All of these symptoms can easily be mistaken for other conditions, even by medical professionals, but hopefully if a woman goes to the doctor enough, they should be able to pinpoint the true cause. And if this cause is ovarian cancer, at least the woman had the advantage of getting it noticed early. This doesn't mean she won't have to struggle for her life, but at least she has a greater chance in that struggle. Ultimately, if any of the 3 terrible ovarian cancer symptoms apply to you, don't hope they'll go away. Get a medical exam as soon as possible.

You can learn more about ovarian cancer as well as the symptoms of ovarian cancer on my website My website includes a whole range of articles focusing on the problems caused by ovarian cancer, treatments and of course what you should do if you think you have ovarian cancer.

By Steven Pedersen

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Treatment For Cervical Cancer

The affected cells of the cervix are removed from the body and also the doctor takes measures to prevent the occurrence of the disease. As the cancer is characterized by the presence of tumor cells and these cells have to be completely destroyed for the normal functioning again. Usually surgery takes place after the treatment of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Surgery is done in order to remove all the cancerous cells that are still present even after the procedure of radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

The treatment of cancer begins only after an analytical study is conducted by the doctor. This study is attained by them by conducting biopsy and other tests. If only the outer layer of the cervix is affected then the treatment becomes easier for the doctor. In case the infection has spread internally then the doctor must take extra care.

Before treatment the doctor must consider the metastatic level of cancer. the doctor removes the cancerous cells that are present in the organ and to what extent it has spread. The factor of metastasis is known to the doctors by conducting tests and diagnosis.

When the cervix has affected then the precancerous lesions develop and the disease can be treated during this phase only because later it becomes complicated. This lesion is removed by using the technique of cryocautery. Many points regarding the cervical cancer should be taken care of. The doctor must enquire the patient about the associated allergies. He must view his physical status very carefully before beginning any treatment. The cervical surgery conducted by the doctors aims to remove the cancerous cells by the application of chemical agents.

The type of surgery to be conducted depends upon the intensity of the disease. if the disease has developed to a diabetic patient then it must be dealt carefully. He must make him adopted to the physical condition before conducting surgery on him.

Hence cancer, if treated at an initial stage will work out effectively. The treatment finally depends upon the phase of development, time and intensity. If the cancer has spread to the other organs it can spread to the other organs. When the disease advances the treatment for the patient becomes very difficult. Even if the disease is treated the doctor cannot ensure the non-recurrence of the disease.

Visit Health Care Guide to know about Cervical Cancer.
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By Aakash Shah

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Types of Breast Cancer

Women seem to fear breast cancer more than any other life threatening disease. Research shows women are more likely to die from cardiovascular disease than from all forms of cancer combined. Breast cancer is rare in men, although it does occur.

If you are one that fears breast cancer, there is more reason for optimism today than ever before. Doctors have made great progress in diagnosing and treating breast cancer in the last 30 years.

Radical mastectomy is rarely performed today. There are more and better treatment options. This article addresses the different types of breast cancer.

Breast cancer type is determined from a tissue sample (biopsy) sent to the lab for analysis. The treatment for breast cancer depends upon what type it is.

The breast's milk ducts is where the most common types of breast cancer originate. The actual point in origin is determined by the microscopic appearance of the cancer cells from a biopsy.

When breast cancer cells remain contained within their place of origin the cancer is called situ breast cancer. In situ breast cancer the cancer cells have not invaded breast tissue around the duct or lobule.

Ductal carcinoma in situ is abnormal cells in the lining of a milk duct that have not invaded the surrounding breast tissue. In this early-stage breast cancer some experts consider it to be a "precancerous" condition. Success of treatment during this stage is high. No evidence suggests that ductal carcinoma in situ affects a woman's life span. If left untreated, it may eventually develop into invasive breast cancer.

Lobular carcinomas in situ are abnormal cells contained within a lobule of the breast that have not invaded the surrounding breast tissue. It has not yet been determined if lobular carcinoma in situ is an early form of breast cancer or just a marker for the future development of cancer. Experts agree if you have lobular carcinoma in situ you are at a higher risk of developing breast cancer in either breast in the future.

Invasive breast cancers break free of where they originate and invade the surrounding tissues that support the ducts and lobules of the breast. The cancer cells can also travel to other parts of the body such as the lymph nodes.

Invasive ductal carcinoma accounts for the majority of invasive breast cancers.

Invasive lobular carcinoma is less common than invasive ductal carcinoma, but acts in a similar manner. It starts in the milk-producing lobule and invades the surrounding breast tissue, and can spread to more parts of the body. You might not be able to detect a breast lump with invasive lobular carcinoma. There may be a general thickening or sensation in the breast tissue that feels different. Invasive lobular carcinoma is harder to find by touch and less likely to appear on a mammogram.

Source: Mayo Clinic, personal knowledge

Disclaimer: The information in this article is not intended to replace the medical advice of your doctor or health care provider. Please consult your health care provider for advice about specific medical concerns.

This article is FREE to publish with the resource box. Article written 2-2007.

By Connie Limon

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10 Ways To Cope With Breast Cancer

If you or someone you know is suffering from breast cancer there are some steps you can take to cope with this horrible disease. You are not alone so read a compilation of things you can do.

Statistics show that over 200,000 American women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year, but the good news is: Due to earlier detection and improved treatments, breast cancer deaths are declining.

Breast cancer brings on many physical and emotional changes in women and is a fearful and burdensome experience. If you are one of the many women facing this dreaded disease or know someone who is facing breast cancer, here are ten ways that will hopefully make coping with it easier.

1. Turn to the Lord

Pray to the Lord for strength and courage. Keep your faith in him always. Find a special scripture and read it whenever you are feeling down.

You will be amazed at the strength and comfort this will give you during this time. Remember, God always listens and he answers our prayers.

2. Talk to a Friend

Find a friend or family member that you can confide in and are not afraid to express your different emotions in front of them.

Just being able to share your feelings and know that someone is listening will be a big factor in getting rid of some of your anxiety.

3. Hug Someone

Hug your friends and family whenever you feel the need for support and comfort. Words do not have to be spoken, because the hug will tell it all.

You'll be amazed at how good this makes you and the person you hug feel.

4. Facing Breast Cancer is Constantly On Your Mind

When you find out you have breast cancer, your first thought when you wake up every morning will be about how you and your family are going to deal with this.

Remember, this is a normal reaction at first. Have patience and eventually this thought will change from dreading the future to excitement about how you will become a survivor.

5. Focus on Life One Day at a Time

Slow down and take time each day to do things that you want to do. If you feel up to it, spend the day with someone you really like.

Most of all keep a positive attitude every day and don't worry about what is going to happen tomorrow.

6. Cry When You Need To

You may find yourself crying a lot during this time. This is perfectly normal because you are facing a crisis you never expected.

Don't be ashamed to cry or let others see you cry. Crying is a good way of dealing with your stress and is a large factor in emotional healing.

7. Ask For Help

Don't be afraid to ask friends for help with errands and taking care of your younger children. If your spouse or children volunteer to do your chores, accept their offer.

Remember, everyone sincerely wants to help you during this difficult period. This will also give your family and friends a chance to show you how much they appreciate what you have done for them.

8. Support is Available.

Besides the support you receive from your family and friends, you can also go to the local women's breast cancer support group. You will reap many benefits from the relationships you establish with other breast cancer survivors at the support groups.

There are also support groups available for your family members if they feel they need to talk about their feelings.

9. Do Something for Yourself

If you feel up to it, spend the day shopping or going to a movie. Curl up on the couch with a good book or watch a funny video. "Take a Nap" if you want to.

10. Don't Feel Alone

Always remember, you are not alone and you are a Cancer Survivor!!!!

Hopefully, these steps offered you some comfort and took some of the anxiety of breast cancer away. Remember, look forward to your future and appreciate TODAY!!!

Bob Pardue is owner of the PictureMed breast cancer info site. Learn more about breast cancer in women by visiting right now ...

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Keep Your Body From Getting Too Much Sunlight

Skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in the United States. The number of new cases of skin cancer appears to be rising each year.

Skin cancer affects people of all skin tones, including those with darker complexions. Skin cancer can occur anywhere on the body, but it is most common in skin that has been exposed to the sun, such as the face, neck, hands, and arms.

In the ancient history, sun worship was considered one of the most sacred acts. But, scientist has now come up with a different version and cautions people from having a long exposure to the sun. A series of research studies and analysis have revealed that any form of extensive exposure to the direct sunlight can cause you severe damage, ranging from sunburns and tanning to skin cancer. The harmful UV rays can penetrate the delicate skin layers and cause irreversible damage.

When you are out in the sun, make sure that you protect yourself properly. The most important is to wear a sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher. Wear protective clothing, besides wearing good quality sunglasses. Small measures taken today can go a long way in preventing long term illnesses as the damage causes by the sun can take quite a long time to actually start showing.

Although skin cancer is the most common type of cancer in this country, it accounts for much less than 1 percent of all cancer deaths.

What most people don't realize is that it is also the most preventable type of cancer. It does not have to be inevitable or unstoppable despite prior cell damage.

Linda A works on a Skin Care site at

By Linda A

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Types of Lymphoma and Their Characteristics

Lymphoma refers to a form of tumor caused by the immune system, involving abnormal activity of lymphocytes, body cells that belong to the lymphatic system. Lymphocytes are born at the level of the bone marrow and their primary role inside the body is to identify antigens (foreign bodies that are malignant to the organism) and to trigger the action of the immune system, telling it to attack the discovered antigens. However, in the case of patients with lymphoma, the cells of the lymphatic system become compromised and begin to act like cancer cells. Thus, the occurrence of lymphoma is primarily determined by inappropriate activity of the lymphatic system, lymphocytes multiplying at abnormally fast rates and accumulating in different regions of the body.

There are two distinctive types of lymphatic cells involved in causing the occurrence of lymphoma: “B” lymphocytes and 'T' lymphocytes (commonly referred to as B cells and T cells). The main action of B cells is to create antibodies, a type of proteins that fight against antigens. The T cells (born at the level of the thymus gland) help the activity of the B cells, sustaining and enhancing their action.

According to the type of cells involved in causing the disease and the rate of progression, there are multiple forms of lymphoma. The main two types of lymphoma are: Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (also referred to as Hodgkin’s Disease) and Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. These two main types can be further classified in multiple subtypes. Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is characterized by the implication of the so-called “double-eyed cells” in causing the disease. All other varieties of lymphoma that don’t share this feature are known as Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphomas. Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma comprises over 25 subtypes, classified according to the speed of progression and the seriousness of the disease. Various subtypes of lymphoma involve genetic abnormalities that carry the name of primary mutations. Some of these mutations are responsible for triggering the disease, while others are responsible for sustaining its progression.

A very common subtype of lymphoma is follicular lymphoma. This variety of lymphoma is slow progressing and alternates between periods of remission and periods of relapse. In the majority of cases, follicular lymphoma is caused by a specific genetic mutation that affects the B lymphocytes. The mutation causes an overproduction of the BCL2 protein, a type of protein that stimulates an excessive accumulation of B cells, which begin to act like cancerous cells.

Another common subtype of Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma is diffuse large cell lymphoma. This variety progresses faster and it can also originate from a slower progressing lymphoma subtype. Diffuse cell lymphoma requires immediate treatment; otherwise, the disease can become life-threatening in a very short amount of time. The most efficient form of treatment consists in chemotherapy. Although most patients with diffuse cell lymphoma experience relapse, a second course of strong chemotherapy is usually effective in curing relapsed cases.

Burkitt’s lymphoma is a rapidly evolving lymphoma subtype that occurs due to a unique genetic anomaly. This variety of lymphoma requires immediate medical intervention and involves a poor patient life expectancy. When chemotherapy is not sufficient for treating patients with Burkitt’s lymphoma, combination treatments with immunosupressants can help ameliorate its symptoms and slow its progression rate.

Unlike B-cell lymphomas, T-cell lymphomas are rare and account for about 20 percent of cases of all Non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma in general. T-cell lymphomas are rapidly progressing and often involve the body skin. Along with Hodgkin’s Disease, T-cell lymphoma raises serious issues in diagnosis and treatment. This is due to the poor understanding of the causes and evolution of the disease, medical scientists lacking conclusive medical data. However, medical scientists hope to unveil the exact origins and the pattern of evolution characteristic to Non-Hodgkin’s T-cell lymphoma and Hodgkin’s Disease in order to develop an efficient treatment in the near future.

So, if you want to find out more about lymphoma cancer or even about symptoms of lymphoma please visit this link

By Groshan Fabiola

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Why Early Detection of Slow Growing Lymphoma Is Difficult

There are over 30 types of lymphoma that have so far been detected and they can be grouped according to a variety of criteria. One such criterion is how fast the cancer is growing and so lymphomas are generally classed as either slow growing or fast growing. Slow growing lymphomas can be very difficult to detect because they rarely exhibit symptoms while they are still in an early stage.

As their name suggests, slow growing lymphomas take a relatively long time to grow to a size that starts to affect the body. Initially slow growing lymphomas will confine themselves to one specific area of the body. This is normally a lymph gland or a site close to a lymph gland and because they stay confined they don’t affect any other organs or tissues. The only outward sign of early stage lymphoma is a painless swelling of the affected lymph glands however this swelling can easily be missed or ignored by the patient. Even if it is noticed it is often attributed to a simple infection and no more notice is taken of it until it starts to become uncomfortable.

It may be over a year before sections of the confined lymphoma start to break off and travel to secondary sites in the body. Lymphoma affects the lymphocyte cells of the immune system and as such it has the ability to travel through the lymphatic system and in the blood stream. When the lymphoma cells do start to migrate to other areas the immune system tries to eradicate them and it is at this stage that the first systemic symptoms are experienced by the patient. These symptoms might include fever, night sweats, abdominal distension, unexplained weight loss and occasionally anemia i.e. chronic fatigue, tiredness and pale skin, although the exact symptoms will depend on the area that the migrating cells invade.

Often it is at this stage that the patient first visits the doctor and a provisional diagnosis is made. A number of medical tests are required to confirm the diagnosis and these tests will not only provide information regarding the exact type of lymphoma that is present, they will also say whether the lymphoma is fast or slow growing and what stage it has reached.

Unfortunately, many cases of slow growing lymphoma have reached a late stage by the time they are detected and diagnosed. This means they have spread to numerous areas of the body and so are a lot more difficult to treat effectively. There will also be a lot more cancer cells then the body can easily cope with and they may have infiltrated areas that are incredibly hard to treat such as the liver and bone marrow. For this reason it is important to consult a doctor whenever swelling of the lymph glands is noticed or any of the other lymphoma symptoms mentioned above are experienced. It is highly likely that the swelling and symptoms are caused by a minor illness however it is well worth finding this out as early as possible.

For more information and resources on hodgkin's and non-hodgkin's lymphoma, other types, symptoms of lymphoma, treatment, the stages of lymphoma, medication, research, solutions and facts, visit Jeremy Parker's comprehensive reference guide on lymphoma. Also get your free copy of the "Lymphoma Information Guide" report at

By Jeremy Parker

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Breast Cancer Biopsy

When there is a suspicious palpable tumor or a breast tumor with a serious chance of malignancy, without having performed an FNA, or when having performed a PNA , but there is no definitive diagnosis, then the patient must be taken to the OR and to have the tumor removed under general anaesthesia, and sent it for histology while the patient is still under anaesthesia.

This procedure is called quick biopsy, because the removed part is examined immediately by a pathologist under the microscope after freezing it to -200C for one minute in order to cut it into small slices.

While the surgeon is waiting in the OR for the results. In case of cancer, the surgeon proceeds with the necessary procedure, which has been previously agreed to by the patient. If the result is negative, the patient may return home on the same day.

The same goes if the reply of the quick biopsy raises a serious suspicion for cancer but does not confirm it with certainty.

In this case it is most preferable to postpone the final procedure for another day, awaiting the "normal biopsy" instead of proceeding with a partial or total mastectomy, which may prove unnecessary if there is no malignancy after all.

In the quick biopsy procedure, the pathologist, depending on his experience, picks from his material the most suspicious part and cuts it into very thin slices which are immediately examined under the microscope.

If cancer is hiding a few millimeters away, then there will be no cancer in these sections and consequently, the reply of the quick biopsy will be negative for malignancy, while this actually is not the case.

This is done for expediency reasons, because the patient is under anaesthesia and the surgical group is waiting, while the examination of the entire tumor under the microscope requires hundredths of sections and processing which takes several days.

This is exactly what happens at the normal biopsy, the entire tumor is cut into dozens of sections is examined in detail by one or more doctors. This method eliminates the possibility of "missing" a malignancy. A normal biopsy is always performed after the quick biopsy, on the rest of the material.

A normal biopsy or histological examination is always performed on every part removed from the human body. Nowadays, due to the progress of the science of cyttology, i.e. the science that can place a diagnosis of a disease upon examining cells, quick biopsies are more rare and are performed only in cases when repeated FNAs have not given a clear diagnosis,.

While the clinical and mammographic image are very suspicious. Nowadays, it is consider a mistake not to perform an FNA in all suspicious tumors, and to take the patient directly to the OR for a surgical procedure and a quick biopsy.

It is amazing how many women have underwent in the past unnecessary breast procedures for a biopsy of benign tumors, with an emotional impact and financial cost.

By Michael Reader

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The Gene Treatment That Can Stop Breast Cancer In Its Tracks

Once the tumor is asleep, it gives the immune system a chance to launch an attack and destroy what's left of it. You induce a terminal sleep and then the immune system just gobbles up the tumors.Thousands of women a year are diagnosed with breast cancer. The disease affects one in nine women at some point in their lives.

Treatment normally consists of surgery to remove the tumor, followed by chemotherapy, and radiotherapy to kill off and remaining cells. Around 60 percent of women have tumors that thrive on the female hormone estrogen. These patients are often treated with estrogen - blocking drugs to prevent the hormone feeding the tumor and so helping it to grow. Tamoxifen is the best known of these. But for the remaining 40 percent of breast cancer patients, hormone - blocking drugs are useless because the tumors don't need estrogen to flourish. These types of tumors are often fast- growing.

Researchers have made two important discoveries concerning these dangerous cancers, the first is that one particular gene called Id1, is very active in them. The second is that, by switching off this gene, they can trigger off something called senescence - a kind of sleep like state in which cancer cells stop dividing and the tumor starts to shrink.

Although hundreds of genes are believed to be involved in the development and growth of breast cancer, the latest research has focused on the Id1 gene because previous studies showed that although it is normally only produced by the embryo when it is developing in the womb, it seems to be reactivated again in certain tumors, such as breast cancer.

Scientists implanted the gene into mice. Those mice that were treated formed aggressive tumors. The next step was to turn off production of the gene, using a drug called doxycycline, a medicine often used to treat infections. When gene output was turned off, researchers found that the tumor effectively "fell asleep", and that the cancer cells that previously divided at a rapid rate, stopped dividing completely.

In 40 percent of cases the cancer then shrank as the immune system attacked and destroyed the remaining malignant tissue. Although the results are interesting they have yet to be replicated in humans.

By George Bain

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Early Warning Signs of Ovarian Cancer

What are the early warning signs of ovarian cancer? This is a very difficult question to answer, because while there are symptoms in the beginning stages of the disease, they tend to be so mild that both the woman herself and her doctors may not think the symptoms are indicative of ovarian cancer. This is particularly the case if the woman doesn't have ovarian cancer in her family's history. Yet, it's still helpful if women are at least aware of the most common signs of ovarian cancer. By knowing what the symptoms are, she may not discredit the possibility of ovarian cancer, especially if they get worse in a relatively short period of time. This article will help women obtain this knowledge by explaining in detail the two main warning signs: abdominal pain and urinary incontinence.

Abdominal Pain

The first sign of ovarian cancer that you should look out for is abdominal pain. This is due to the ovarian tumors attacking the abdomen, resulting in fluid build-up that puts pressure on the nerves. Yet, the pain may not feel much different than what a woman gets if she has a tummy ache or even bad gas. So, the key is going to be how long the abdominal pain lasts. Tummy aches and gas usually don't last too long, especially when the source of what is causing the problem gets taken care of. The abdominal pain will be chronic and worsen over time. In the latter stages of ovarian cancer, the pain will be accompanied with abdominal girth and digestive problems.

Urinary Incontinence

Urinary incontinence is also a very common symptom of ovarian cancer. This is when a woman has an abnormal urge to urinate more than normal. When she does go to the bathroom, she may or may not actually urinate. Sometimes a woman may even leak urine even if she has gone to the bathroom. Now, incontinence is a much more significant than abdominal pain, so it may prompt a woman to seek at least a check-up. However, even the gynecologist may not realise what the problem is. This is because urinary incontinence can be a symptom of other diseases, some of which aren't even serious. An example is a urinary tract infection, a condition that can easily be treated with antibiotics. Yet, if the urinary tract infection is really indicative of ovarian cancer, antibiotics will not get it to go away.

So, what does a woman do if she exhibits any of the early warning signs of ovarian cancer? She needs to go to the doctor and let them know she has concerns over whether or not her symptoms are a result of the condition. The doctor will evaluate whether or not she is at high risk for the disease. If she is the doctor will probably suggest ovarian cancer screening. If she isn't the doctor will probably wait to see if the symptoms progress before suggesting any official screening. The reason this is the case is because women who are not at high risk for ovarian cancer tend to get misdiagnosed when they get ovarian cancer screening. Doctors want to avoid the possibility of a woman getting unnecessary ovarian cancer treatment.

You can learn more about ovarian cancer as well as the symptoms of ovarian cancer on my website . My website includes a whole range of articles focusing on the problems caused by ovarian cancer, treatments and of course what you should do if you think you have ovarian cancer.

By Steven Pedersen

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Silent Killer - What Women Should Know About Ovarian Cancer

The American Cancer Society estimated that approximately 15,280 women died from ovarian cancer in the United States during 2007. Ovarian cancer ranks fifth among cancers in women, and accounts for more deaths than any other cancer of the female reproductive system. Part of the reason for ovarian cancer's high mortality rate is the difficulty in diagnosing a disease with few warning signs. Another aspect of ovarian cancer that makes the disease one of the most challenging to treat is the fact that tumors can grow quickly, and aggressively spread through the abdomen to other organs.

Like any cancer, the sooner ovarian cancer is diagnosed and treated, the better a woman's chances of survival. If the cancer can be treated before it has spread outside the ovary, the five year survival rate is 93%. However, only 19% of all ovarian cancers are found at this stage, so it is crucial that women of all ages are familiar with symptoms, which can initially be quite vague. These include:

  • Bleeding from the vagina
  • Pain in the lower abdomen
  • Pelvic and/or abdominal swelling, bloating, and/or a feeling of fullness
  • Unexplained weight gain or loss
  • Vague but persistent gastrointestinal upsets such as gas, nausea, and indigestion
  • Unexplained changes in bowel habits
  • Ongoing unusual fatigue

Women who experience any of these symptoms, but particularly bloating , pelvic or abdominal pain, difficulty eating or feeling full very quickly, and having the urge to urinate frequently on a daily basis for more than two or three weeks, should contact her gynecologist immediately and schedule a pelvic exam. One of the diagnostic tests available is the transvaginal ultrasound, which helps determine whether there are abnormal growths present or other signs of cancer in the ovaries.

A woman can also inherit an increased risk of ovarian cancer. This is particularly true if a direct relative (mother, father, sister, or daughter) has, or has had ovarian, breast, colon, or prostate cancer. Women with a strong family history of ovarian cancer are more likely to develop the disease at a younger age (prior to 50).

While statistics indicate ovarian cancer mainly occurs in women 55 or older, one third of women who develop this disease are much younger. Regardless of age, one thing for all women to keep in mind is that a Pap Test does not detect ovarian cancer. Currently, there are no reliable, accurate screening tests in existence. However, women should still have annual vaginal exams, as the detection of abnormal swelling or tenderness can be an indication of more serious problems.

Two of the diagnostic tests available are generally used with women having a higher risk of ovarian cancer. The transvaginal sonography or ultrasound (discussed above) is an ultrasound performed with a small instrument placed in the vagina. The second test involves blood work to determine if the level of a tumor marker called CA-125 has increased in the blood. Again, this test is primarily used with women at high risk or who have had an abnormal pelvic exam.

The good news is that rates of this terrible disease are declining. But, to continue making strides in early detection, treatment options, and survival rates, all women need to familiarize themselves with the symptoms associated with ovarian cancer and consult their gynecologist and discuss concerns.

If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, there are numerous organizations committed to eradicating the disease. These organizations also provide education on treatment and prevention, resources such as support groups, and information on the latest research. Here are some of the most well known:

Gynecologic Cancer Foundation - Established in 1991 by the Society of Gynecologic Oncologists (SGO), the mission of GCF is to promote public awareness about the prevention, early detection, and treatment of gynecologic cancers.

National Ovarian Cancer Coalition - Their mission is to raise awareness and promote education about ovarian cancer. The site offers state chapters, breaking news, support and services, clinical trails, and resources.

National Cancer Institute - This organization is under the umbrella of the U.S. National Institute of Health. The site provides extensive information on treatment, prevention and causes, clinical trials, and research.

American Cancer Society - The ACS is a community-based, voluntary organization with chapters throughout the United States. The mission of the ACS is to prevent cancer and save lives.

Catherine Johnson is the author of Shades of Darkness, Shades of Grace. To find out more about the novel and download an excerpt, visit:

By Catherine Johnson

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Natural Alternative Treatment for Uterine Cancer

Uterine cancer occurs in women aged 40 to 50 years and post-menopausal women, with fewer than 5% of child bearing women at risk of developing this cancer. A common approach against most tumors is its removal together with the organ it is attached to thereby necessitating a hysterectomy. Physicians determine if uterus removal is adequate or whether the tumor has extended to surrounding lymph nodes and ovaries.

There are standard surgical and chemotherapeutic procedures or other options and certain women may opt for a hysterectomy followed by alternative methods of treatment to replace radiation, chemotherapy, hormonal blocking which cause anemia, nausea, hair loss and generally feeling totally miserable. Some women decline surgical procedures while some may choose the hysterectomy and chemotherapy together with alternative treatments.

Certain medical centers approach cancer treatment with alternative procedures which could (or could not) incorporate regular Western type medical procedures. Cancer Treatment Centers of America, the Issels and Envista are some of the centers that view cancer treatment from the position that medical options must help the body in treating itself.

Alternative cancer treatments (including uterine cancer) start by focusing on the improvement of the immune system - the body has self healing abilities provided it gets the correct nutrition.

Diet intakes, low in whole, raw foods and high in animal fats and processed foods, don't provide the minerals, vitamins and living enzymes required by the body for new cell creation. Chemically or artificially produced vitamins do not possess intricate enzymatic activities as found in natural food sources. Alternative treatment centers recommend, even insisting on diet changes for patients, to diets that support the fight against cancer. Changing eating habits may be problematic, however, it becomes easier once the patients perspective has changed.

Naturopathic physicians use non-toxic, natural alternative treatments and therapies which supports the person as a whole, not only focusing on one facet of the disease treatment (as in standard Western medical procedures) and seek to minimize harmful effects by applying the least force possible in boosting the immune system. Scientific and time tested therapies include botanical medicine, clinical nutrition, classical Chinese medicine, environmental medicine, hydrotherapy and minor surgery thereby resulting in a natural environment which promotes self healing in the body.

Another alternative treatment is immunotherapy in conjunction with a multidisciplinary approach and involves physical therapists, nutritionists, dieticians, naturopathic physicians and immunizations (to boost immune systems).

Although alternative therapies are more main stream nowadays, before choosing it to treat uterine cancer, check the track record and other references of applicable treatment facilities - avoid sole practitioners as best results are achieved when medical professionals combine their skills in a team effort.

Bob Cotto spent most of his life as a Sr. Sales & Marketing executive. Two years ago his wife of 43 years, Joanne was told that she had 4th stage cancer. Since then, Bob and Joanne have devoted all of their energy to assisting her in maintaining a high quality of life. Find out more about his efforts at his site 4-Ideal-Health.

By Bob Cotto

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Stages of Ovarian Cancer

There are four stages of ovarian cancer. When you get diagnosed, your doctor will try to determine which of the stages you belong to. If you are diagnosed in the earlier stages then you have a greater chance of survival. On the other hand, diagnosis in the latter stages could mean that your disease has progressed too much to be cured by conventional means. Either way, you should be aware of these stages so you can know what to expect as your ovarian cancer progresses. Each of these stages are described in greater detail below.

Stage 1 - Stage 1 is the first stage that a women will go through. Stage one is the most treatable stage and where you ideally want to find out you have ovarian cancer. The only issue is going to be detecting the cancer at such an early stage. Anyway, with Stage 1 ovarian cancer, a person has cancer inside one or both of the ovaries, though in Stage 1c it is possible they could have spread into a woman's abdominal fluid. Stage 1c ovarian cancer could also involve rupture of the affected ovary due to the presence of the tumors.

Stage 2 - Stage 2 indicates that the tumors have spread from the ovaries. However, it has not gone beyond the pelvic region. Organs that could be affected by the metastasized ovarian cancer include the bladder or the rectum. And, like Stage 1, it is possible for the tumors to result in a ruptured ovary.

Stage 3 - With Stage 3 ovarian cancer, the tumors have spread into the abdominal cavity. They can attack the lymph nodes, the groin area or the area that is behind the womb. The cancer is visible from the tissues of the abdomen, (not the abdominal fluid like Stage 1 and 2). The tumors start at 2 centimeters and grow from there.

Stage 4 - Stage 4 is the deadliest of the stage. At this stage the cancer has escaped the pelvic region and the abdominal cavity. Any organ is game for attack, though the most common will be the liver or the lungs. It should be noted that when the tumors attack these organs, the doctors will still offer ovarian cancer treatment instead of liver cancer treatment or lung cancer treatment. This is because the origin of the problem is in the ovaries, so in order to try and treat the condition, the tumors will need to be attacked there.

All in all when it comes to the stages of ovarian cancer, you will want to avoid getting diagnosed at any stage further than 1. You can increase your chances of getting diagnosed at this stage by going to the doctor when you have abdominal pain and/or urinary incontinence, as these are the very early signs of ovarian cancer. Also, if you are at high risk for the condition, press your doctor for ovarian cancer screening. Granted, you might get misdiagnosed, but if you do have the condition, the screening can help save your life.

You can learn more about ovarian cancer as well as the symptoms of ovarian cancer on my website . My website includes a whole range of articles focusing on the problems caused by ovarian cancer, treatments and of course what you should do if you think you have ovarian cancer.

By Steven Pedersen

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Can Cancer Be Prevented And Cured?

While the answer to the question regarding the cure for cancer remains not guaranteed even by the experts, there are still ways that this second deadliest disease can be prevented. After all, prevention is supposed to be better than the cure, right?

Cancer prevention can start by not using any products related to tobacco, by choosing to eat healthily, maintaining ideal weight, exercise, avoiding too much sun exposure, and discussing with your doctor regarding the new developments for cancer cure, prevention, and treatment. Still, there are other risk factors that may not be avoidable (i.e. genetic or hereditary conditions), it still pays that you know something on how you can attempt to prevent it from worsening or even starting.

According to Dr. Gerson, you can also incorporate proper eating habits in your diet in order to get cured from cancer.

In your search for an effective cure for cancer, you may have come across alternative treatments, too. Probably one of them being the Gerson diet. Basically, it is based on Dr. Max Gerson's belief that cancer and autoimmune diseases are commonly caused by malfunctions in the metabolism of your cells. By addressing these malfunctions, he stated that their restoration can be possible through a diet that is low in sodium and high in potassium.

The Gerson diet recommends a high consumption of fruits and vegetables without cooking them too much. Aside from that, the diet omits the consumption of animal products, fats, dairy products, and sugars. Dr. Gerson believed that in order to cure cancer, the body needs to undergo detoxification from agents that caused it to be susceptible to cancer cells and bacilli. Through detoxification brought about by the diet, your body can naturally eliminate those abnormal substances that have caused cancer.

The Gerson diet is considered by some as a natural yet powerful treatment that can boost the body's immune system that won't just heal cancer but also other diseases and disorders like allergies, arthritis, heart disease, etc.

You see, Dr. Gerson is known for his "Gerson Therapy", a metabolic therapy that utilizes a special diet including coffee enemas and supplements to cure terminal cancer patients. According to statistics, around 90%-95% of Dr. Gerson's cases were terminal but his cure rate was around 50%. This number is considered exceptional because he took into consideration all of his patients and not just the ones who were able to live longer for more than a year. Furthermore, this number is recognized to be higher compared to the typical medical treatments but still higher than the other forms of alternative cancer therapies.

Clara Nolt is a successful Internet marketer located in Indiana, USA, and has recently launched a new book. Clara is also a successful Internet Marketer & mentor, helping others to succeed online.

By Clara Nolt

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